Monday, February 10, 2014

Retired Judge Reprimanded

Retired judge Steven S. Unpingco received a formal reprimand from the Supreme Court of Guam following allegations that he acted angrily and aggressively while on the bench.

The charges filed against Unpingco mark the first time formal charges were filed against a judge, it's also the first time a judge was publicly reprimanded by the Supreme Court, said Joshua Tenorio, director of policy, planning and community relations for the Judiciary.

The order from the court states that the reprimand was due to Unpingco's "failure to remain fearless of public clamor, patient and courteous through language he used in court documents filed in the Superior Court of Guam.

In a court filing dated July 31, 2013, the Supreme Court's Committee on Judicial Discipline accused Unpingco of judicial misconduct during his tenure as a judge.

An unidentified person filed a written complaint with the office in 2010, alleging misconduct by Unpingco between March 2005 and January 2006.

Unpingco is accused of being angry and discourteous while on the bench, and of making disparaging remarks about another judge.

There were four allegations included in the list of charges, which all state Unpingco "failed to remain temperate, courteous and/or fearless of public clamor."

Full Article and Source:
Court reprimands retired judge


  1. All judges should be psych tested before being appointed - and if not, then they have to be monitored until they prove themselves, at least.

  2. They should be psyche tested yearly.
