Sunday, February 9, 2014

Tonight on T.S. Radio: Dr. Sam Sugar on the status of Florida Guardianship Laws

Dr. Sam Sugar joins us to talk about the progress of his group: Americans Against Abusive Probate Guardianships.

Board Certified Internal Medical Specialist, Dr. Sam Sugar will be featured in an in-depth discussion on legislative reform of the For Profit Guardianship system in Florida, the emergence of AAAPG and the medico-legal issues that often enable “The Rush to Guardianship”

“Sadly, as so many investigations have revealed, there exist in Florida a substantial number of abusive “Professional For Profit” guardians and lawyers who have manipulated the Guardianship system and repeatedly exploited their positions to loot the very estates they are sworn to protect.

It is not just elders who are vulnerable–anyone at any age–can be deemed “incapacitated” –even seemingly healthy independent adults–and become  ” A Ward of the State”

A powerful subgroup of For Profit  Guardians has used loopholes in the law and very weak Court monitoring to wreak terrible harm on Wards and their Families while they enrich themselves with exorbitant fees and horribly abusive tactics. 

Abusive Guardians twist and  subvert the laws giving them total power over the (allegedly) vulnerable in our society and instead of helping the frail among us,  use the power of the law to strip away precious Civil Rights and plunder estates, isolate families who get in the way, and in  the process destroy lives. They use the very laws intended to help people to destroy innocent people and their families.

5:00 pm PST… 6:00 pm MST7:00 pm CST8:00 pm EST

LISTEN LIVE or listen to the archive later!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Marti and Dr. Sugar,
    I just wanted to tell you how great your program was! I listened to the archived show today. - Quite helpful. My pain has been enormous and so bottomless... Today I checked out public records and discovered my loved one's funeral expenses were petioned for and granted. I was overwhelmed with grief. - Same as usual. Then I found out she didn't die yet. The guardian and her lawyers just want to get the loot up front. I guess now they can go ahead and finish her off since there's probably not much left of her by now, including the loot. The evil is incomprehensible isn't it? Godspeed to us all in this cause. I'm from St. Petersburg, Fl by the way. I follow ALL the sites: NASGA, Boomers, AAAPG, PPJ Gazette, etc. Ever since she was kidnapped, life has lost its flavor but it helps a lot to know I'm not all alone. Thanks guys. When I finish my story, I believe it will get exposure with I-Team here. Same probate court and judges as Willi Bercheau who just escaped recently. I'll be in touch with all of you regularly with lots of commentary as we all take on this putrid atrocity of human trafficking together. until next time...
