Sunday, May 11, 2014

DCF refuses to let Justina Pelletier be with her Mother on Mother's Day

Department of Children and Families (DCF) denied the meeting for Linda Pelletier to be with Justina after a request was submitted by the Pelletier's attorneys.
Tragically this continues a trend by DCF which has not allowed Justina to be with her family on special holidays and occasions in the past which also included Mother's Day last year.
Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Pelletier family Spokesperson, states:
"It is hard to imagine that after DCF issued a reunification plan and stated their desire to return Justina home to her family as quickly as possible, they would then turn around and deny Linda Pelletier the right to be with her daughter on Mother's Day.
"Every child at Wayside will have the opportunity to see their mother on Mother's Day but one; Justina Pelletier. The question must be asked, If DCF was truly concerned about the welfare of Justina and the family, why would they deny this simple face to face meeting on Mother's Day? One could only imagine what Justina will be experiencing seeing all the other residents spending time with their mothers while she sits alone in her room.
"It is now becoming so much clearer that the only solution to this tragedy is getting Justina back into the loving arms of her family as soon as possible."
Full Article and Source:
Nightmare of Pelletier Family - DCF Refuses to let Justina be with her Mother on Mother's Day


  1. DCF should be charged with ABUSE!

  2. What would it hurt them to be nice to the family? This really shows it is all about control and retaliation.

  3. DCF, APS and similar agencies are destroying the American family.
