Sunday, May 11, 2014

Video: Public Guadians Abuse 87-Year-Old Widow and Seize $1.8 Million

For Lucille Castillo Lyon, the new OC Public Guardian, it's "business as usual" as she continues the practices of her predecessors, William D. Mahoney and John S. Williams.

In this video, the seizure and demise of the $1.8 million Klubnikin Trust is disclosed, along with its devastating impact on the 87 yo widow and her two sons.

Ms. Lucille Lyon, the new Public Guardian, is seeking court approval on August 31, 2011 of a contract to sell one of their three rental properties at $151,000 BELOW market value.

The family fears that eventually she will institutionalize the perfectly healthy and sane widow in order to liquidate all their rental properties as well as their family home, leave the youngest son and former Trustee of the Trust homeless, and then deplete the estate with conservator fees which will result in its eventual demise, as well as the widow and her two sons.

When and how will this end? Stay tuned.

YouTube:  OC Public Guardians Abuse 87 Yo Widow and Seize $1.8 million


  1. Have you seen this article?:

    The Public Guardian is retiring! Also, it appears there is now another reorganization and this time the Orange County PG office is being moved so it reports to the District Attorney.

    Meanwhile, I came across Orange County grand jury reports and various other news articles about the PG, such as the below one. Seems like the County has known about PG office problems for quite a while.

    If I were the family, I might consider taking this to the Attorney General. It sure has the appearance that the PG office has probably been funding its huge salary increases (and more?) by forcing conservatorships on elderly people with extensive real estate holdings rather than those in need.

  2. If a public guardian is bad, it's the worst kind of guardian to deal with.

  3. I agree with Fred. Public guardians are the worst to deal with and it's a crying shame as they should be the guardian with a conscience.
