Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Linda Kincaid Reports: Elder Abuse by Conservator Scott Phipps: Elder Advocate Diane Wilson Speaks Out

Elder rights advocates across the country are speaking out against elder abuse by Scott Phipps of Phisco Fiduciary.  Phipps caught the attention of advocates by placing Elinor Frerichs (91) at Lakeside Park, a locked dementia facility in Oakland, CA. Elinor was not diagnosed with dementia. She is alert, oriented, and feisty.

Phipps’ instructed Lakeside Park to isolate Elinor. No visitors. No phone calls. Community Care Licensing cautioned the facility they could lose their license if they continued to violate Elinor’s rights. 

Phipps retaliated by filing a petition with the court to take away Elinor’s right to visitation. The intent of the petition was to legitimize his abuse of Elinor.
Elder advocate Diane Wilson, daughter of elder abuse victim Dorothy Wilson, sent the following email to Scott Phipps.
"To Scott Phipps: 
I was appalled when I read the story of Elinor Frerich and the fact that you refused to allow Elinor to attend her own hearing; you also asked the court to take away her rights to visitation from friends and elder advocates. Why would you do such a thing? Why do you want to hurt another human being? Freedom is a God-given right, one that man or woman cannot take away from another human being without breaking every universal law there is.
I decided to do some research and read a little bit about you. According to your website you state the following:  
‘My goal is to keep you in control of your money; assist you in times of transition and when the time comes, honor the wishes and intent of your will or trust.’ 
‘Phisco Fiduciary helps people maintain maximum independence and self-reliance by providing assistance with financial affairs – from day-to-day matters to wills, estates and trusts…and everything in between. We adhere to the highest Fiduciary standards and practices; advocate and protect clients’ civil & legal rights strictly abide the code of ethics of the Professional Fiduciary Bureau, and the Professional Fiduciary Association of California.’ 
I read that you also served as a minister. The job of a minister is to "minister" to the needs of people; to serve God and help people, not to destroy them. You also say that you will advocate and protect your clients’ civil and legal rights. Please, Mr. Phipps, honor the words you speak and set Elinor free.
Diane Wilson
NASGA Member
Daughter of Dorothy Wilson"
Full Article and Source:
Elder Abuse by Conservator Scott Phipps:  Elder Advocate Diane Wilson Speaks Out


  1. Diane, I am sure your Mother is proud of the advocate you have become. As a fellow NASGA member, I am too!

  2. The video of Diane's Mom crying and begging to go home will always haunt me. I agree with Mary, your Mom would be so proud, Diane.

  3. Yes, this man served as a minister!! Can you believe this? And this is how he treats people!! "Following a spiritual path Scott entered McCormick Theological Seminary and graduated with a Masters of Divinity.

    He then served as a minister for six years including one year as Interim Bishop for the Northwest District USA. Upon leaving the ministry Scott embarked on a career in business management, primarily with non-profit organizations, and has additional experience in banking. Scott has over 30 years of experience in community service development, with local, regional, and national organizations."

    How frightening is that resume....it just shows that this man truly is a wolf in sheeps' clothing! I pray that this man gets thousands of letters from across the country about the abuse of Elinor!
