Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Linda Kincaid Reports: Elder Abuse by Scott Phipps: National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse Speaks Out

Elder rights advocates across the country are rallying to support elder abuse victim Elinor Frerichs of Oakland, CA. Elinor’s conservator, Scott Phipps of Phisco Fiduciary, denies Elinor contact with her family, friends, and elder rights advocates. Phipps alleges that he is “protecting” Elinor from some unspecified potential threat posed by Elinor’s friends and the advocates that seek to secure Elinor’s civil rights.

Elaine Renoire, president of the National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse, sent the letter below to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors. Renoire asked the Board to support Elinor’s right to attend her court hearing on September 12, 2014.

The Supervisors did not support Elinor’s right to attend her hearing. Phipps did not allow Elinor to attend her hearing. The court made an adverse ruling on Elinor’s right to visitation, based on false information from Phipps and the attorneys who support Phipps’ abusive actions.

"Dear Board of Supervisors:
As you know, isolating an elderly person is one of the paramount signs of elder abuse. And yet unscrupulous conservators have long isolated their wards for years with impunity, as if they are above the law by virtue of their title. For this reason, AB937, a bill which clearly defined conservatorship wards’ rights to have visitors (family, friends, clergy, advocates, etc.), phone calls and mail, was introduced and quickly passed last year to combat this growing problem.

The state legislature overwhelmingly supported AB937 and were outraged that the system would allow such cruel mistreatment of California’s elderly.

I hope you will be equally appalled to know that 91-year Elinor Frerichs has already been isolated from family and friends for two long years. Try to imagine the torture this woman has endured because her conservator, Scott Phipps, and assisted living facility, Lakeside Park, deny her visitors and phone calls. And now, conservator Phipps will be going to court 9/12/14 asking for an order to continue this abuse.

NASGA would ask you to consider:
1. That some or all of you attend the hearing scheduled for 9/12/14 at which time conservator Phipps will be asking the court for approval to keep Elinor Freichs in isolation until the day she dies;
2. That you contact conservator Phipps to reiterate that his ward, Elinor Frerichs, attend and be heard at this important hearing which will decide her fate; and
3: That you encourage Community Care Licensing to pursue revocation of facility licenses when they continue to isolate the elderly after they have received fair warning.

Elder abuse is elder abuse whether the perpetrator is a stranger, a professional, a caregiver, family --- or a court-appointed conservator. Conservatorship wards are wards of the state of California and the state has a duty to protect them.

Elaine Renoire
NASGA – National Association to STOP Guardian Abuse

Full Article and Source:
Elder Abuse by Scott Phipps:  National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse Speaks Out


  1. Why do they look so happy? Are they on the pad?

  2. Thank you NASGA and especially Linda Kincaid who just keeps on coming!

  3. Before I found NASGA, I was sure I was all alone. I'm not. Thank you, NASGA.

  4. Excellent letter Ms. Renoire my only wish is more people in the USA knew there were people working tirelessly 365 days a year as volunteers that alone is impressive. The advocates associated with NASGA are role models for the nation. Thank you.

  5. Thank you for all the support you give to victims, NASGA.

  6. I am proud to be a member of NASGA and I know together we will get this job done.

  7. I commend NASGA for being a voice for the elderly and disabled citizens of our country, and I know it's hard and pretty much thankless work. Let me take the time now to pass along my personal thanks on behalf of so many who are struggling to keep their heads above water. When I was ready to give up, I found NASGA. I wish I'd found it before things got to bad. But, I found it and I've met many great people through this horrible experience.

  8. The Board of Supervisors has the power to be sure this case is properly investigated and to sanction Scott Phipps. Or even better, to take his license.

    Stand up to protect the citizens of Alameda County, Board of Supervisors!

  9. What punishment does the law provide?
