Monday, February 4, 2019

Tonight on Marti Oakley's TS Radio Network: Gretchen Rachel Hammond and the Dangerous Business of Probate in Michigan

5:00 pm PST…6:00 pm MST…7:00 pm CST…8:00 pm EST
Our guest is Gretchen Rachel Hammond. a free lance investigative journalist who has been investigating the corruption in Michigan probate courts, most especially in the Detroit area. Recently, Gretchen was advised that she was in serious danger as a result of her investigation. and took precautions to protect herself and her team. One of those precautions was to leave her apartment indefinitely and to sublease it out until she was out of danger and could safely return.
"My source at the Probate Court reached out to me yesterday to let me know that I am now in considerable danger. They did not specify what “danger” entails: an attempt to discredit me before the story is published, the use of the Oakland County Sheriffs to concoct a reason to throw me behind bars (a tactic already used on a rather outspoken activist) or something quite worse. A physical attack was not ruled out. The point is, they have had quite enough of me and, if this were any other time, one might easily laugh it off.”
In a strange turn of events, in Greten’s absence, the person subletting her apartment was found dead inside the unit. Currently, it is unknown what the cause of death was. Is it simply a strange coincidence? Or a case of mistaken identity? Join us as we talk with Gretchen about her current situation and what her plans are as she moves ahead.

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  1. I hope it wasn't a case of mistaken identity.

  2. This should be really interesting!
