Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Women Start Turning into Their Mothers at Age 33, Study Reveals

When we're young, one of our greatest fears is turning into our moms. You know what we mean, right? Not that we don't love our moms, they're the best! But when you're young, you really can't fathom turning into someone ... old. Plus, we all promised ourselves we'd be the cool mom, right? We wouldn't give our kids curfews, and we'd let them have a phone when they were probably too young, and we'd let them stay up late and wear what they want and generally just not be like our boring parents! But, then we became parents. And we realized that our moms might have had it right all along. It's inevitable - we all turn into our mom at some point. But when exactly does it start to happen? Turns out, 33 is the magic age!

According to new research by a surgeon in the UK, women start turning into their mothers in the first few years after becoming mothers themselves. They start to develop the same attitude and tastes, and probably start to be less fun (KIDDING!). In the UK, the average age a woman has her first child is 30.5. So a few years later, around 33, she starts to slowly morph into the one person she swore she'd never become.

No more rebelling against our moms - instead, we start to embrace their lifestyle, parenting styles, and maybe even their mannerisms! We use the same sayings, we watch the same TV shows, and we take up the same hobbies.

Full Article and Source:
Women Start Turning Into Their Moms At 33 Years Old, Study Reveals

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