Friday, February 26, 2010


When every word and action is scrutinized, we must find a place within ourselves, within our spirit, that is our spine and our own personal declaration of independence. It is here we determine our words and actions and, coupled with the truth, all things false will fall by the way. This place in our soul, in our conscience, is the constant reminder of who we are, what we stand for and what we believe. With this spine, one can stand strong against any foe, any false claim, any errant wind. And, by faith, you will endure.


See Also:
Danny Tate, Sandbagged!?


  1. I think all of us have experienced being beaten down by the guardianship until we start almost believing the bad things said against us.

    Thank you for this message, Danny. You give us hope.

  2. Yes, I shall print what you wrote and post it on my wall, so I'll remember it at my low times!

  3. We sometimes get more caught up by what they're saying about us and that takes our minds off of the case. It's an effective deflection from what they're doing.

    Thank you for the reminder.

  4. Thank you. It's so very hard to get through the day when they're all over you and everything you do to try to protect your loved one brings them on stronger. Thank you for the inspiration to make it through another day.

  5. Danny's words are deep, from within his soul. Thank you NASGA I am not alone when I say I look forward to hearing more from a person who has survived the brutal probate racket; he is standing tall and fighting this wrongful conservatorship. We belive in you, we are with you, beside you, every step of the way. Keep the faith Danny Tate.

  6. Saw an interesting item on a lawyer blog today:

    The only way public trust can be restored to you crooked lawyers is when non-lawyers are allowed to judge and sanction you. No, it does not happen now.

  7. yes, indeed what happened to Danny can be in your future if you have MONEY

  8. Danny,

    When all seems hopeless and you feel your totally alone in the darkness, when you feel so beaten down by all the lies and drained of all hope, I want you to visualize Jesus Christ standing next to you facing your enemy. Look into the eyes of our Lord as he looks into the evil souls of your enemy, understand with all your being, the day will come and that day is Soon, when GOD will put a STOP to all the heartache and misery You and all of us have endured. GOD will rise up and defeat the ones that have brought horrific pain and anguish to HIS children. Danny, Hold On! don't let go of Hope! Peace be with you and to All of us!

    One of Many! that understand Your pain, be strong my friend.
    Jane Branson

  9. Thanks to NASGA from those of us who have found solace in this site. I come here to read the stories of those who have suffered at the hands of the abusers. I find and feel empathy. When I read the encouraging comments I discover strength from our shared faith that somehow, someway, someday soon, we will all see redemption from this soul crushing oppression brought on by ill-intentioned guardians. I ache for those that pass before they get to see the perps brought to justice, but I fight on for them, and my daughters, and for the greater good. Keep the faith, one and all. Let's stand strong together. This fight has brought us all together under One God, one faith, and, I pray, one True Law. Amen? Amen!
