Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Justina Goes to Foster Care, Her Mom is Rushed to Hospital - Pelletiers Still Denied Custody

A West Hartford, Conn., woman hoping to regain custody of her sick 15-year-old daughter from the state of Massachusetts collapsed Monday afternoon on her way from a hearing in juvenile court.

The woman, Linda Pelletier, fell to the ground outside the courtroom. Emergency personnel took her out on a stretcher.

A representative of the family said that Linda and her husband, Lou Pelletier, learned in court Monday that their daughter, Justina, would be transferred from Wayside Youth and Family Support Network in Framingham to foster care in Merrimac.

The Pelletiers have been trying to regain custody of Justina since February 2013, when she was admitted to Boston Children’s Hospital, where she spent the rest of the year before being moved to Framingham…

Patrick J. Mahoney, director of the Christian Defense Coalition in Washington, D.C., was also at the courthouse Monday. He said his organization is starting a national campaign called “Free Justina.” He was with the family when they left the courtroom and spoke with them shortly before Linda Pelletier collapsed.

“My understanding is that Justina is being moved to foster care and they are outraged by that. There is no medical care there,” Mahoney said.

The press was ordered off the fourth floor of the coutroom where the hearing was held–more of the “gag order” secrecy that surrounds the actions of DCF and Boston Children’s in this case. The judge has yet to remove the gag order, but nobody’s explained why it’s there, either.

So now, not only do the Pelletiers have to worry about their daughter’s health, they have to worry about the fact that she’s being sent home with strangers–strangers picked by DCF and, therefore, with a 1 in 10 chance of having a criminal record.

Full Article and Source:
Justina Goes to Foster Care, Her Mom is Rushed to Hospital-Pelletiers Still Denied Custody
See Also:
Free Justina - The Killing of an American Family


  1. This poor family. I will pray for the Mom; she needs all the strength she has and more to get through this.

  2. What they are doing to the Pelletier family, and Justina, is CRIMINAL in my opinion.

  3. This is outrageous. Partners has too much clout in Boston and someone is being paid off.

    What drug companies were experimenting with Psch drugs.....

  4. All this secrecy hmmmmm this stinks like a pier of dead fish in July.

    So the state is saying Justina will be better off with strangers?

    And know one knows who they are?

    Could be these strangers could have prior criminal record?

    Criminal records indicate he/she would be found guilty.

    I am so outraged and I know how I would feel if Justina Pelletier were my child.

    Pay attention citizens and remember what President Ronald Reagan said:

    "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"

    Amen Amen Amen
