Sunday, June 26, 2016

What You Should Know about Abuse in a Memory Care Unit

To begin with, let us address what exactly constitutes a memory care unit. A memory care unit is a facility where residents are assisted and cared for. They predominantly help in assisted living for those suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia.

According to national estimates, as many as 5 million people are currently suffering from such memory disabilities and cognitive impairments. Sadly, when the condition of the patient starts to further deteriorate, families are forced to move them into memory care units and other medical facilities because they simply not have the knowledge or resources available to care for someone suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia.

Now you may not understand this disease but if you saw the movie Memento with Guy Pearce playing a character named Leonard you could have a better idea. Now Memento was extreme since most people have family to take care of them and to put them in a place like this. In this movie, Leonard had tattoos all over his body to help him remind him of vital things. This story was fictional, but to try to live without a memory or knowing who you are is all but impossible.

It is hard to protect someone who does not have a memory.

Abuse in a Memory Care Unit

Symptoms include forgetting to consume medication, forgetting to set reminders, turning on an appliance and then forgetting to put it back off, failing to do daily chores without assistance, forgetting their own name, contact number or other personal information and also getting lost and not being able to find the way home.

Unfortunately, a memory care unit, while being a salient option for most people is still not flawless. Like with any other field of medical care, here too, negligence and abuse is a real problem. The whole point of the such units is so the staff can remind residents about things like taking medication, and ensuring that they are cared for in the right manner and kept away from any harm.

Full Article & Source:
What You should Know about Abuse in a Memory Care Unit

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