Probate Judge Eduardo Gamboa released Yepez from her state-mandated guardianship. He ordered her appointed guardian, El Paso lawyer Hector Phillips, to transfer her property back to her within 45 days. Phillips and Yepez are scheduled to meet today to take inventory of her jewelry.
"I wish you luck, and please watch your spending so you can have some cushion for your needs in the future," Gamboa told Yepez.
Gamboa also ordered Phillips to write a $200 check to accountant Karen Carson to complete Yepez's 2007 and 2008 tax returns, which were never filed. Gamboa appointed Carson in August to audit Yepez's estate.
Nervous before the hearing, Yepez left court with her relentless smile noticeably bigger.
"I'm satisfied," she said. "Now that I got my life back, I plan on taking advantage of it. It's exactly what I wanted."
But Yepez's family and friends worried that the court ruling was just the first step in getting her life back in order.
In 2007, her estate was valued at $1.1 million. Her three vehicles, worth a combined $140,000, were sold, as were the assets of her dental practice. The proceeds from those sales have yet to be accounted for.
Yepez's father, Alonso Yepez, said he worried that her belongings and the money would never be found.
"There's still a lot of things missing, but that's all we wanted, just to get her off the guardianship. It was draining her," Alonso Yepez said.
Full Article and Source:
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Woman Wants Answers
Congratulations Monica! I know you still have tough times ahead of you, but nothing - nothing will be as hard as what's behind.
It ia so good to hear of someone getting out of guardianship! There is hope for the rest of us. But I am wondering if the court will have to give an accounting of every missing item?
Hooray! This is great news!
I agree with Anon, it's going to be a challenge getting your money and property back (what's left of it). But you're free and that is indeed sweet!
Surely she was jesting - a bad effort at a joke.
Where is the:
Standing ovation and applause to all those who assisted and helped free Monica Yepez from the grips of guardianship.
Now, the guardian must produce the records post haste.
IF the guardian does not submit mandatory docments, the guardian must be incarcerated until required documents are submitted to the former ward and to the court.
I am absolutely thrilled for Monica, don't get me wrong.
But, why does it take 45 days to transfer property?
Bet Hector Phillips seized it within a few days of the guardianships's inception.
Let us celebrate today and hope things go smoothly for Ms. Yepez.
Look at that big smile on her face!
Thank you Judge Eduardo Gamboloa for giving this woman back her rights and liberties.
this is great reading good news which restores my faith that there is reason to hope for the truth to win thanks to Probate Judge Eduardo Gamboa there's a lot of missing money and property now lets see where all this stuff ended up i agree with sue where is the inventory and accounting?
Join NASGA, Monica!
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