The tragic case of Gary and Sara Harvey has similarities to Terri Schiavo’s and her family’s case. In January of 2006, Horseheads, New York resident, Gary Harvey, a Vietnam veteran, fell down a flight of basement stairs at his home and sustained a brain injury that has since left him in a vegetative state.
As Chelsea Schilling, writing for WorldNetDaily, reported last year,
“Gary, an only child who is estranged from his two adult children, did not have a living will.
His wife, Sara, had him placed in a nursing home so he would receive care while she returned to her full-time job.
Following a family dispute over Gary’s assets, State Supreme Court Judge Robert Mulvey determined that Sara Harvey was not a suitable guardian for her husband and designated the county as legal guardian, according to Elaine Renoire, spokeswoman for the National Association to Stop Guardian Abuse, or NASGA, who is familiar with the case.
When [Chemung] county authorities took guardianship, Sara was separated from any decision making process for her husband’s health and medical welfare. Gary’s father is deceased, and his elderly mother has not attempted to obtain guardianship. Sara has been trying to get the judge’s guardianship decision overturned.”
Sara Harvey, almost single-handedly, has stood firmly against the machine of the “system” in her county. Just like Terri Schiavo’s family, Sara is desperately fighting to simply bring her husband home and care for him herself where he can at least enjoy the comfort of his own home and the loving care of his wife.

The case is complicated, though unnecessarily so, in my opinion.
I write for, and it is because of another lady who also writes for Dakota Voice, Carrie K. Hutchens, that I have been aware of Gary’s case for a couple of years now. Carrie has written numerous times about Gary and Sara’s plight. Carrie’s deep passion for this terrible situation shouts out through the words she writes.
In her latest column, Carrie wrote,
“How long has it been since Gary Harvey fell down those basement stairs? How long has it been since he found himself vulnerable and fighting not only for life just because of his injuries, but fighting for life because the government officials and so-called ethics committees decided it was time to end his life by starving and dehydrating him to death? Just how long has it been and what has changed since the fight began all those years ago?
Some people have opened their eyes, started paying attention and have begun grasping the idea that something ‘ain’t’ right here in the world of Gary Harvey and his so-called government protectors.
It doesn’t matter ‘why’ Gary Harvey fell down those basement stairs. What does matter is what has transpired since then and whether he has had a true chance at recovery and comfort to whatever extent is possible rather than what has been assigned to him by those who really don’t have his best interest at heart.”
Just like the awful, helpless situation in which Terri Schiavo’s family found themselves, so Sara Harvey stands at the mercy of a cold, heartless, evil system. However, there yet may be a gleam of hope. A lawsuit which Sara Harvey filed against Chemung County has been allowed to continue before the New York State Supreme Court’s Appellate Division.
Full Article, Source, and Audio:
Gary Harvey Case Illustrated Corrupt Evil System
See Also:
Gary Harvey Case: Out of Sight Out of Mind