Esther Piskor, 78, has been physically abused by nurses' aides inside the Prentiss Center nursing home at MetroHealth Medical Center.
The abuse was caught on a hidden camera that Esther's son, Steve Piskor, placed inside Esther's room with the staff's knowledge.
The family went to court seeking a temporary restraining order, trying to stop MetroHealth from moving Esther out of its facility.
The nursing home argues that Esther should be placed in another facility to ensure her safety and welfare. Steve Piskor says it doesn't make any sense.
MetroHealth disciplined eight employees based on abuse caught on the hidden camera. Now that MetroHealth has presumably cleaned house, Steve says they want to toss Esther out the door.
"Metro should be taking responsibility and stop being so defensive. My mother is the victim here, not Metro," Piskor said.
Family attorney David Krause says MetroHealth is giving Esther the boot to retaliate against the Piskor family for coming to Channel 3 to expose the abuse.
Full Article,Video, and Source:
Investigator: Court Fight Over Moving Elderly Abuse Victim