Michael Jackson, who spent a lifetime and countless millions trying to recapture his lost childhood, has left his own children in legal limbo following his sudden death Thursday at a rented Los Angeles home, apparently of cardiac arrest.

Family associates and legal experts see a storm brewing over the care of 12-year-old Michael Joseph "Prince" Jackson Jr., 11-year-old Paris Michael Katherine Jackson and 7-year-old Prince Michael II Jackson.
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What Will Happen to Michael Jackson's Children, and His Fortune?
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Although Rowe initially waived parental rights to the children, she later changed her mind, and an appeals court ruled she was the legal mother of Prince Michael Jr. and Paris Michael Katherine. USC law professor Scott Altman: "When a child has two legal parents and one of them dies, the other takes custody." To gain custody, other family members or individuals designated in Jackson's will as guardians would have to show that giving custody to Rowe would harm the children.
Michael Jackson's death: Will Debbie Rowe get custody of two kids?

Regardless of whether he left a will, Michael Jackson's three children stand to inherit everything he owned – after the creditors and taxman take what's theirs, say legal experts in California. Little is known about the King of Pop's estate planning or will, according to Business Week. Jackson had sole custody of his three children and ex-wife Debbie Rowe is the mother of the older two. The mother of the youngest child has never been identified.
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The mother of Michael Jackson's two eldest children is preparing to battle the singer's elderly mother for custody. Former nurse Debbie Rowe gave away her parental rights in exchange for a £4.2million pay-off ten years ago. But last night, she told friends she would fight 'tooth and nail' for their return.
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There is, say family sources, 'no prospect whatever' that they will be returned to Debbie Rowe - the biological mother of Jackson's older son and daughter, Prince Michael and Paris Katherine. His youngest son, known as 'Blanket', was born in 2002 from an unnamed surrogate mother. Prince Michael and Paris have never called Rowe 'Mom', having been raised by Jackson. He was paying Rowe £750,000 a year to stay away from the children and his family are determined to see his wishes are carried out. Should Rowe launch a custody bid - as she threatened earlier this month - battle will be joined.
What WILL become of the children in the masks?
Michael Jackson's family will wage an epic battle to make sure Paris and Michael Jr. do not end up in the custody of one Debbie Rowe -- this according to family members who spoke with TMZ. The family complained that the kids don't even know Debbie Rowe -- she hasn't been a part of their lives. They say the kids must remain "within the family."
Jackson Family Will Fight Rowe Tooth and Nail