Saturday, July 13, 2013
VI Officials Ponder Uniform Guardianship Jurisdiction Legislation
One of AARP Virgin Islands most recent advocacy projects involves helping community opinion leaders and local legislators to appreciate the importance of adopting the national Uniform Law Commission’s Uniform Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act, also known as UAGPPJA.
In a nutshell, the legislation would establish three very basic legal premises that would be recognized by all other states who also adopted the UAGPPJA. First, it would determine which court has jurisdiction over a guardianship case. Next it would create a system where courts could communicate and formally recognize one state’s guardianship orders by another state or, in the Virgin Islands, territory. And, lastly, this new law would facilitate interstate transfers of guardianship cases when travel between jurisdictions would benefit the person under guardianship.
While many of us may feel that such a law seems straight forward and clear, history has proven that it isn’t. Too many times, some of the most vulnerable, incapacitated adults have become victims of battling family members wishing to exploit guardianship solely to gain control of the incapacitated person’s estate.
Like the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Enforcement Act, that preceded UAGPPJA, the law will recognize and protect the legal rights of the parent or guardian, providing legal consistency from one jurisdiction to another.
AARP VI feels that enactment of this law will help to prevent elder abuse, neglect and exploitation as well as help expedite medical care unavailable within the territory to be rendered without having to “re-establish” legal guardianship in the new jurisdiction.
During a two-day event, AARP VI first trained key AARP volunteers on the topic and then on the following day educated the President of the 30th Legislature, a key Judge, attorneys from the public and private law sectors and officials from the Department of Human Services. All agreed that the adoption of the UAGPPJA will prove invaluable to the residents of the Virgin Islands, our legal system as well as to others from other jurisdictions planning to interact with the territory.
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VI Officials Ponder Uniform Guardianship Jurisdiction Legislation
Ageism in the Media: An Interview with Emmy-Award Winning Actress, Doris Roberts
"Would you tell Picasso he couldn't paint anymore because was too old?"—that's just the type of treatment that older people are faced with in the media these days, says veteran actor Doris Roberts, who was awarded an Emmy Sunday night for her co-starring role as the strong-willed Marie Barone on CBS's Everybody Loves Raymond. Roberts will also be seen leading the cast in The Hallmark Channel's A Time to Remember.
The Parents Television Council recently talked with Roberts about the depictions of seniors in advertising and on television. Why the push towards reaching younger audiences? Roberts feels that advertisers target a young demographic because older audiences consider their consumer choices more carefully than young people. "They don't want an older audience because we have a brain." The message that Roberts wants to give advertisers is "change our minds by working harder—I will buy a different car if you tell me it's safer or give me instructions on how it works better for me." Marketers target youth because they are easier to convince. Ms. Roberts finds the quest by advertisers to target young buyers puzzling when more than three quarters of the wealth in the United States is controlled by older Americans. "Young people can't afford to buy cars. Young people don't buy houses" she asserts. So why then, the push for youth-oriented marketing strategies?
Advertisers are influenced by what Roberts refers to as "image-makers" and this image-consciousness is what leads to the ubiquitous ads featuring young, beautiful woman in advertisements for anything from alcohol, to cars, to magazines. "Nowhere do you see a picture of a woman over the age of 45 on a magazine cover. They're airbrushing us out of society."
The rise of television programming rife with sex and violence is because these image-makers are attempting to draw young viewers in with racy, envelope-pushing content. Clean shows that appeal to older viewers -- such as Diagnosis Murder and Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman -- even though they may perform better in the ratings, are bushed aside because that's not the image the networks want to project, and that's not the audience they want to attract.
Roberts says that the problem is further exemplified in the portrayals of seniors in television programming. Seniors are not seeing accurate representation of themselves on television. "[Seniors] do not see themselves portrayed and when then do, it's in a demeaning manner. They're referred to as ‘over the hill,' ‘old goats' and ‘old farts'—oh please, ugly ways of talking about us."
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Ageism in the Media: An Interview with Emmy-Award Winning Actress, Doris Roberts
Friday, July 12, 2013
Linda Kincaid Reports: California Senate Judiciary Committee vote to curb elder abuse by conservators
AB937 & Conservatees' Rights: Senate Judiciary Committee 6/11/13
AB937 will clarify that a conservatee retains basic personal rights guaranteed in the California Constitution. These rights include the right to receive visitors, the right to telephone calls, and the right to personal mail, unless specifically limited by court order.
This most basic right to engage in personal relationships is routinely violated by California conservators. The bill’s author, Assembly Member Bob Wieckowski writes in the bill analysis:
They then use their incorrect belief of absolute control to completely isolate conservatee from the outside world. No visitors, no phone calls, no mail from life partner, family, friends, neighbors, clergy, and/or advocates.The bill analysis adds comments from an advocate whose mother was the victim of an abusive conservator.
AB 937 clarifies the Probate Code to state that in a conservatorship, the conservatee still retains personal rights such as the right to receive visitors, telephone calls and mail, unless these rights are limited by court order or need to be limited to protect the conservatee from abuse.
Full Article and Source:My mother, Carol Hahn in San Bernardino County, was isolated by her conservator for fifteen months in 2010 and 2011. The conservator allowed no visitation and severely restricted phone calls. Mom's right to visitation was finally restored by a restraining order against continued isolation. That effort cost family $70K in legal fees. The cost to my mom was far greater. During the time she was isolated, Mom lost her memories of loved ones and she lost the ability to walk.I soon learned of other victims of the same type of abuse. The Santa Clara County Public Guardian isolated Gisela Riordan and Lillie Scalia beginning in 2010. Gisela was allowed no visitors, phone calls, or mail for two years. Lillie was completely isolated from family for one year; then she was allowed some limited visitation the second year.Personal rights were restored to Gisela and Lille as a result of media coverage by ABC7 in San Francisco. Lillie has been returned to her home, and Gisela is now allowed visitors. Without media coverage, both women would likely still be prisoners.The San Joaquin County Public Guardian isolated Maria Jordanou from her husband and son for the last month of her life in 2012. Maria died believing that her family had abandoned her.
California Senate Judiciary Committee vote to curb elder abuse by conservators
See Also:
Linda Kincaid Reports: California Assembly Judiciary Committee vote to curb elder abuse by conservators
Linda Kincaid Reports: Elder Abuse of June Guinn by Modesto, California Conservator
'David Fettgather: Dependent Adult Abused by Californial Conservator'
Linda Kincaid Reports: Silicon Valley Tax Dollars Fund Elder Abuse: Public Guardian Takes Control of Gisela Riordan
Linda Kincaid Reports: Isolation and False Police Report in CA Facility
Newport Twp. police investigating elder abuse claim
Newport Township police are investigating a report of abuse against a resident at a local nursing home.
Police were recently notified about the allegations and have been interviewing employees at Guardian Eldercare Center, 147 Old Newport St., to determine what happened, Newport Township police Chief Jeremy Blank said today. One instance of abuse has been reported, he said.
Blank declined to specify what the alleged abuse entailed, citing an ongoing investigation, but said the allegations were not sexual in nature.
The Guardian Eldercare Center released a statement saying administrators learned about an alleged incident of abuse on Wednesday and contacted police, as required by law.
“The facility is working in conjunction with local law enforcement and all other appropriate regulatory agencies to ensure ongoing resident safety,” the statement said. “Guardian Eldercare Center takes allegations of resident abuse very seriously and has a zero tolerance policy for any violation of resident rights.”
The statement did not address the nature of the alleged abuse, nor whether any staff members had been disciplined.
The center has had some troubles in the past, according to records from the Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
An inspection Jan. 31 resulted in the agency recommending the center develop and implement policies for screening and training employees as well as for identifying, investigating and reporting abuse and neglect, according to an HHS report.
The inspection revealed a bed-ridden resident who requires the assistance of two people to be transferred from bed and one person for using the bathroom had fallen out of bed in August, prompting his responsible party to ask, “Did he get pushed out of bed?” according to the report.
The man, who was unable to describe what happened, had a 3 centimeter tear on his right elbow, the report says.
Despite a roommate who was able to talk being present and the resident’s responsible party questioning the fall, administrators failed to ask the roommate what happened, the report concludes.
The report also faults the center for failing to provide a resident a suitable meal, failing to report a resident’s high blood sugar to a medical doctor, failing to respond timely to call bells — causing some residents to have accidents — and running out of prescription medications.
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Newport Twp. police investigating elder abuse claim
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Caretaker accused of spending $94K of elderly, disabled man's savings
Investigators say a disabled, elderly man was evicted from his home and near death after his caretaker used more than $94,000 of his money to fund his own lavish lifestyle and left the man, who suffered from Alzheimer's disease, alone for days.
Anthony Kehle, 75, of Jupiter, was arrested Sunday by city police. He was booked into the Palm Beach County Jail on fraud and exploitation of the elderly charges.
Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office deputies began investigating in July 2010, after a woman filed a theft and fraud complaint on behalf of her uncle, Daniel Hull. Stacey Heathcote, 44, of Shadyside, Ohio, said while visiting her uncle, she discovered piles of invoices for unpaid bills, according to Kehle's arrest report. His phone rang constantly with bill collectors trying to get payment.
Heathcote said she looked through her uncle's bills and saw his money being used for spa treatments and expensive dinners. Further investigation showed it paid for jewelry, clothing, dinners at Morton's steakhouse, a plane ticket to Venezuela and a membership at the International Polo Club, among other expenses. It also funded companies owned by Kehle.
Hull died about a year ago. But news of Kehle's arrest was welcomed by Heathcote, who's being sued by Kehle for money he says her uncle owed. She said that after learning of his financial state, she moved her uncle to her Ohio home to care for him.
"Who goes and takes somebody's life savings away from them like it's theirs?" Heathcote said Monday. "Who does that?"
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Caretaker accused of spending $94K of elderly, disabled man's savings
Area Organization to Investigate Abuse Against Disabled, NewsCenter17, StormCenter17, Central Illinois News-
DECATUR-The governor signs legislation to better protect the elderly and disabled from abuse and exploitation. The act is supposed to expand protective services for disabled adults who live at home.
At the Community Home Environmental Learning Project, or CHELP, they've been investigating elder abuse for 27 years. Diane Drew oversees cases of elder abuse. But now with a new state law she'll be looking over different cases.
"We will also be looking at citizens 18 and older with a disability,"Drew says.
Before cases were handled by the inspector general.
"They only had five people statewide to investigate,"Drew says.
And as the Belleville News Democrat uncovered, it was not enough. The deaths of 53 severely disabled adults who lived at home were not investigated because they were ineligible for services.
At the Decatur-Macon County Senior Center, Director Leslie Stanberry says the act will be a big help.
"We do see a lot of disabled people under sixty who use our services who come in," Stanberry says.
Before the law passed if they got a call about abuse for someone under 60, "basically what we would have done would have done is say you need to call the police" Stanberry says.
Now they can refer the cases to CHELP.
" I definitely think it's going to be a good thing for our citizens with disabilities," says Drew.
More eyes to look over cases, more hands to help a vulnerable population.
At CHELP it means more training for some workers. They're already going through it.
The law also sets up a division to investigate suspicious deaths of disabled people.
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Area Organization to Investigate Abuse Against Disabled
Preliminary hearing set in financial crime case
FORSYTH — A preliminary trial has been set for a man facing charges for financial crimes and theft.
Kent Tangeman, 55, of Branson, is scheduled for a preliminary hearing for two counts of financial exploitation of an elderly person, class A felonies, and one count of stealing property more than $25,000, a class B felony, according to Missouri court records.
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Preliminary hearing set in financial crime case
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Judge Rules That 'Unscrupulous' Lawyer Must Pay For Ripping Off Friends

Over a 10-year period, the couples traveled together, dined together and often socialized at each other's homes. So it was no surprise that Larry Mulligan would handle the Jalberts' legal matters.
But while the Jalberts thought Mulligan was working diligently to represent them in a property dispute, he was actually ripping them off for hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees. To make matters worse, it has since been discovered that he wasn't even doing any work on the case.
The Jalberts sued Mulligan and a Waterbury Superior Court judge recently ruled that the lawyer must pay the Jalberts $746,842. That money includes treble damages and interest on the $219,750 the Jalberts paid Mulligan for legal work pertaining to a property that the Jalberts purchased in 2004 for $295,000.
In issuing his written ruling, Judge Robert B. Shapiro used words like "immoral," "unethical," "oppressive" and "unscrupulous" to describe Mulligan's actions.
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Judge Rules That 'Unscrupulous' Lawyer Must Pay For Ripping Off Friends
Conversation Project testifies before Senate
Cambridge — Harriet Warshaw, executive director of the Conversation Project of Cambridge — a national public engagement campaign supporting “respectful end-of-life care,” participated in a committee hearing, “Renewing the Conversation: Respecting Patients’ Wishes and Advance Care Planning,” organized by the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging.
Warshaw was joined by James Towey, founder of Aging with Dignity; Amy Vandenbroucke, executive director of National Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment Paradigm Task Force; and Gloria Ramsey, associate professor at Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, to discuss advance0care planning and the importance of discussing end-of-life issues. Warshaw and colleagues presented their testimonies to committee chairman Senator Bill Nelson (D-Florida), ranking member Sen. Susan M. Collins (R-Maine) and other members of the committee.
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Conversation Project testifies before Senate
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
St. Joe's "dead" patient awoke as docs prepared to remove organs
Syracuse, NY - Doctors at St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center were about to remove organs for transplant from a woman they thought was dead.
Then she opened her eyes. She was alive.
The state Health Department found St. Joe's care of patient Colleen S. Burns in 2009 unacceptable and a federal agency criticized the hospital for not properly investigating the cause. The hospital's mishandling of the case was part of the reason the state Health Department fined St. Joe's $22,000 last September -- the largest fine levied against a Central New York hospital since 2002.
St. Joe's was fined $6,000 over the Burns case and $16,000 for leaving a patient unattended before she fell and injured her head in 2011.
The state could not find a case similar to the Burns case after reviewing the past 10 years of inspection records, a spokesman said.
A series of mistakes that began shortly after Burns arrived in the emergency room suffering from a drug overdose led to the near catastrophe, the investigations showed. A review by the state Health Department found:
*Staff skipped a recommended treatment to prevent the drugs the patient took from being absorbed by her stomach and intestines.
*Not enough testing was done to see if she was free of all drugs.
*Not enough brain scans were performed.
*Doctors ignored a nurse's observations indicating Burns was not dead and her condition was improving.
The hospital made no effort to thoroughly investigate what went wrong until it was prodded by the state. The investigation did find, however that St. Joe's had acceptable organ procurement policies and procedures.
Burns, 41, of North Syracuse, recovered from her overdose of Xanax, Benadryl and a muscle relaxant and was discharged from the hospital two weeks after the near-miss in the operating room. But 16 months later, in January 2011, she committed suicide, said her mother, Lucille Kuss.
Having her daughter mistaken as dead and nearly cut open at the hospital was a horrible experience for the family, Kuss said. The doctors never explained what went wrong, she said.
"They were just kind of shocked themselves," she said. "It came as a surprise to them as well."
Burns, who had three daughters, was never upset about the incident, her mother said.
"She was so depressed that it really didn't make any difference to her," Kuss said.
Neither Burns nor any of her relatives sued St. Joe's.
St. Joe's officials would not discuss the specifics of the case. Burns' family asked them not to, hospital spokeswoman Kerri Howell said.
"St. Joseph's goal is to provide the highest quality of care to every patient, every time," Howell said in an email to The Post-Standard. The hospital works with Finger Lakes Donor Recovery Network to follow strict policies and procedures for organ donation, she said.
"These policies were followed in this case, which was complicated in terms of care and diagnosis," Howell said. "We've learned from this experience and have modified our policies to include the type of unusual circumstance presented in this case."
St. Joe's officials thought Burns suffered "cardiac death" in October 2009, according to documents obtained by The Post-Standard under the state Freedom of Information Law.
Her family had agreed to allow doctors to withdraw life support and remove her organs after they were told she was dead.
The day before her organs were to be removed, a nurse had performed a reflex test on Burns, scraping a finger on the bottom of her foot. The toes curled downward - not the expected reaction of someone who's supposed to be dead.
There were other indications that Burns had not suffered irreversible brain damage, as doctors had determined. Her nostrils flared in the prep area outside the OR. She seemed to be breathing independently from the respirator she was attached to. Her lips and tongue moved.
Twenty minutes after those observations were made, a nurse gave Burns an injection of the sedative Ativan, according to records.
In the doctors' notes, there's no mention of the sedative or any indication they were aware of her improving condition.
None of those signs stopped the organ-harvesting process. It wasn't until Burns was wheeled into the OR on Oct. 20, 2009, opened her eyes and looked at the lights above her that doctors called it off.
Burns had been in a deep coma from taking an overdose of drugs. Hospital personnel misread that as irreversible brain damage without doing enough to evaluate her condition, the state Health Department found.
The federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services criticized St. Joe's response to the incident.
"Despite this sequence of events, intensive objective peer review and root cause analysis of the case was not done by the hospital's quality assurance program until prompted by the Department of Health," the federal agency's report said.
The state started investigating the case in March 2010 in response to an inquiry from The Post-Standard.
It wasn't until the day after the state made a surprise inspection that St. Joe's did any investigation, the state report said. And even then, it was cursory - a one-page document that cited "perception differences" without analyzing the cause of the mistake, the investigative findings said.
"The hospital did not undertake an intensive and critical review of the near catastrophic event in this case," the federal agency's report said. St. Joe's officials did not "identify the inadequate physician evaluations of (Burns) that occurred when nursing staff questioned possible signs of improving neurological function."
Burns did not suffer a cardiopulmonary arrest and did not have irreversible brain damage, as St. Joe's had determined, the state's report said.
"The patient did not meet criteria for withdrawal of care," the report said.
Hospital officials didn't wait long enough or conduct enough tests to determine that all of the drugs were out of Burns' system before deciding whether to take her off life support,
the state said.
Lisa McGiffert, director of Consumers Union Safe Patient Project, said there is no way of knowing how often near-catastrophes like the Burns case happen because there is no system in place to collect information from hospitals about medical errors.
"These sorts of things do happen," McGiffert said. "It's pretty disturbing."
Her organization believes states should require hospitals to report all such incidents soon after they happen.
"That would require people to think about how to prevent it in the future," she said. "If you don't have to account for it, that doesn't always happen."
Two medical experts who reviewed the case for The Post-Standard found it shocking, and questioned why the hospital didn't do more to ensure other patients aren't put in the same position.
"Dead people don't curl their toes," said Dr. Charles Wetli, a nationally known forensic pathologist out of New Jersey. "And they don't fight against the respirator and want to breathe on their own."
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St. Joe's "dead" patient awoke as docs prepared to remove organs
Supreme Court rules Drug Companies exempt from Lawsuits
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Drug companies failed to warn patients
that toxic epidermal necrolysis was a side effect.
But the Supreme Court ruled they're still
not liable for damages.
In a 5-4 vote, the US Supreme Court struck down a lower court’s ruling and award for the victim of a pharmaceutical drug’s adverse reaction. According to the victim and the state courts, the drug caused a flesh-eating side effect that left the patient permanently disfigured over most of her body. The adverse reaction was hidden by the drug maker and later forced to be included on all warning labels. But the highest court in the land ruled that the victim had no legal grounds to sue the corporation because its drugs are exempt from lawsuits.
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Supreme Court rules Drug Companies exempt from Lawsuits
Monday, July 8, 2013
More than 70 charges filed in investigation of cruelty at Ga. Alzheimer's facility
Almost two dozen former employees of a Georgia center for people with Alzheimer's disease are facing more than 70 charges in an investigation of cruelty to patients.
Georgia Bureau of Investigation agents say the charges stem from a three-month investigation of Alzheimer's Care of Commerce, about 65 miles northeast of Atlanta.
Agents used a warrant Tuesday to search for evidence. The investigation uncovered accounts of physical abuse, such as staff members striking patients and throwing water on them.
Authorities say warrants for the arrests of 21 former and present employees were issued. Charges include cruelty to people 65 or older and accusations of abuse, neglect and financial exploitation.
A telephone message left at the center Tuesday morning was not immediately returned.
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More than 70 charges filed in investigation of cruelty at Ga. Alzheimer's facility
Mt. Pleasant lawyer disbarred for stealing money

A Mt. Pleasant lawyer who practiced for 11 years has been disbarred by the State of Michigan Attorney Discipline Board.
A hearing panel originally recommended that lawyer Mark J. Tyslenko’s license simply be suspended for 45 days, but the attorney discipline board imposed the full sanction of revoking Tyslenko’s license.
According to discipline board documents, Tyslenko kept a total of $9,200 in fees paid to him by clients. The money was supposed to go to the law firm that employed him at the time.
“This is an unfortunate case,” the members of the discipline board wrote. “(Tyslenko), an II-year practitioner with an otherwise clean record and some support in his legal community, made a series of bad decisions, which are entirely inconsistent with the most basic character requirements of a lawyer.”
The board’s documents indicated that during 2009 and 2010, Tyslenko had run into financial difficulties. He was having trouble paying his mortgage, as well as medical and other bills for members of his family.
Tyslenko, who was working for the Joseph T. Barberi P.C. law firm at the time, admitted taking client payments on five separate occasions but failing to turn them over to the firm. Tyslenko was dismissed from the Barberi firm in October 2010, then went into solo practice.
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Pleasant lawyer disbarred for stealing money
Law ramps up abuse reporting
Although Colorado urges medical and other professionals to report cases of abuse of at-risk elders, it had been one of only three states that did not mandate it.
However, starting July 1, 2014, SB 13-111 will require not only medical and law enforcement professionals, but others — including clergy and financial institutions — to report known or suspected abuse or exploitation of adults over the age of 70.
Those who don’t may face criminal prosecution.
While many of the county’s resources, such as its Adult Protection Team and 24-hour hotline to report abuse, are not new, spokesperson Haley McKean said the county is already ramping up outreach programs to educate and train those that will soon be required to report abuse.
“Counties do anticipate an increase in our adult protection caseloads when the state’s new mandated reporter law goes into effect next summer,” said Arapahoe County District 2 Commissioner Nancy Sharpe, who was part of a statewide elder abuse task force that helped usher in the new legislation.
Arapahoe County is home to more than 41,000 adults age 70 and older — a population that, according to the Colorado State Demography Office, is expected to double by 2025. Statewide, that number is expected to expected to increase 28 percent by 2017, and 142 percent by 2032.
“The law is great, but it’s disappointing we had to pass legislation to get people to do what they should be doing in the first place,” said Karen Dennison, 47, of Denver, who works as a contract home health aide. “I guess it gives us the flexibility to report things directly to the state, but I’m curious to see how a lot of these home health care company policies on reporting may change that.”
Caseworkers found that 487 at-risk adults suffered self-neglect, 287 were neglected by their caregivers, 208 were exploited financially or otherwise exploited by a person in a position of trust, and 131 fell victim to some form of abuse. Most were over the age of 60, frail or suffered from dementia or mental illness.
Among the most common incidents in 2012 were cases of self-neglect, neglect and financial exploitation.
“I guess it’s a step in the right direction to make more people responsible,” Dennison said. “More people means more eyes. It can’t hurt.”
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Law ramps up abuse reporting
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Tonight on T.S. Radio: The Trap of Administrative Courts

Getting sucked into the administrative court system you will find yourself without any rights, faced with a psuedo-judge who either doesn't know the law, or who has decided the law isn't profitable enough for him/her. This is a rigged system where you have no possible way of defending yourself or your loved ones.
Join us this evening as Wayne Barbuto, author of “It’s Not The Law” as he explains the difference between trial by jury vs. jury trial. The difference is huge and has an extraordinary affect on your constitutional rights. Do you know why you should never ask for your “civil rights?” But should ask for your constitutional rights. We will also be discussing “administrative courts”. These are not Article 3 courts created in the constitution. These courts have nothing to do with the law.
5:00 PST … 6:00 MST … 7:00 CST … 8:00 EST
Wayne Barbuto: “It’s Not the Law”!
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See Also:
It's Not The
Maggots Kept Elderly Woman Alive
Auburn, Washington (CNN) - We're learning about a horrifying case of alleged elder abuse near Seattle.
Police say the scene was like a horror movie.
Responding deputies spent about 10-hours decontaminating it in haz-mat suits.
Lindsay Cohen has the details.
But first we want to warn you: what police found inside the home -- and on the victim -- may leave your stomach turning as well.
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Maggots Kept Elderly Woman Alive
Quinn signs new law to protect elderly, disabled
CHICAGO (AP) — Gov. Pat Quinn says he's signed a new law to better protect elderly Illinois residents and adults with disabilities.
Quinn signed the legislation on Monday to create an adult protective services unit within the state Department on Aging. It will be responsible for investigating cases of abuse, neglect and financial exploitation of older people and adults with disabilities.
The law also requires special training for caretakers and establishes a team to investigate suspicious deaths.
Quinn appointed a special investigator to propose reforms after the Belleville News Democrat reported that the state failed to investigate the deaths of 53 disabled adults who lived at home, despite calls to a state hotline alleging abuse or neglect.
The legislation sponsored by State Rep. Greg Harris and State Sen. Bill Haine passed overwhelmingly.
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Quinn signs new law to protect elderly, disabled
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