1. Admit you are a citizen of the United States of America and have power over the legal system.
2. Convince yourself that “we, the people” are a Power greater than the legal system and will restore it to sanity.
3. Make a decision to never turn complete control of your case over to an attorney and make sure they understand that.
4. Make a vigilante effort to keep an ethical and legal inventory of all actions of attorneys, judges and officers of the court and be prepared to call them out on the rug if they even suggest or witness an error.
5. Determine to God, yourself, and then to your attorney the exact strategy you want pursued in your legal action. Never listen to an attorney who says, “Just let me be the attorney”.
6. Be entirely ready to file a complaint against any attorney, judge or officer of the court with the appropriate governing body.
7. Persistently appeal the complaint since they are routinely denied by these governing bodies because they are made up of attorneys and judges who have broken the same rules and code of ethics and, because of that, “presumed correctness”, though errant, on the part of any attorney, judge or officer of the court.
8. Keep a list of all persons harmed, all co-conspirators, all rules and ethics broken, including your own attorney if HE doesn’t file a complaint on your behalf, and become willing and diligent in reporting them all to the appropriate governing body and make sure the appropriate discipline is followed through by the various governing bodies. Law is 90% logic. If it feels like something is wrong, it probably is; and DON’T trust any attorney. If you hear an attorney say, “I’ve got to work in this town”, they have just breached The Rules of Professional Conduct.
9. File direct complaints to any legislator who represents the jurisdiction in which your original complaint was levied, or to such people wherever possible, and don’t worry about an attorney telling you it will bring bias from the court, because that is grounds for a complaint and recusal. File a copy of your complaint directly to the attorney, judge or officer of the court and then file a motion for recusal in an effort to get an unbiased court.
10. Fire your attorney, file a complaint and file a legal malpractice suit with their bonding company, “omissions and errors”; because after three complaints, an attorney is out of luck getting malpractice insurance.
11. Seek through study and review to improve your conscious efforts and knowledge of the code of ethics, which are based on logic, with God’s help, and pray like hell that the powers that govern officers of the court do their job; if not, file a suit against the state because your public servant, be it the Court of the Judiciary, The Board of Professional Responsibility, The Senate Judiciary Committee, and all Legislators, failed in their duty to their oath and are not immune from legal action just because they passed some law proclaiming they are immune.
12. Having had a legal awakening as the result of these Steps, try to carry this message to other victims of an errant legal system, and to practice these principles in all your legal affairs.
The Twelve Steps to Recovery of the Legal System