May 9, 2010
Mr. William E. Moschella
Assistant Attorney General for Office of Legislative Affairs
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Room 1145
Washington, DC 20530
Dear Mr. Moschella,
Enclosed please find a consent form from Ms. Holly Peffer. I enclose the
several documents that substantiate Ms. Peffer's present concerns. I
also enclose my letter to, and the response that I have received, from
the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on
Aging. I reiterate here that my legislation on this critical matter of
elder abuse is directly on point to remedy the plight of questionable
guardianships, where an act of apparent compassion may mask greed.
Ms. Peffer's claim of miscarriage of justice resulted from the seemingly
irregular use of guardianship procedures to separate Ms. Peffer's mother
from her family. In this case, the procedures within the state of
Florida are at issue. For that reason, I am copying the Attorney General
of Florida with this present letter and its enclosures and asking that
the authority respond to my inquiry as well.
I ask that this matter be carefully reviewed within your department and
that I receive a response as to what measures might be taken to address
this issue in general and Ms. Peffer's concern specifically. I may be
reached at my district office, located at 600 North Jackson St., Media,
PA 19063. If you have any questions or concerns relating to this issue,
please call my District Representative, Anne Vaughan, at 610-892-8623.
Thank you kindly for your attention to this concern. I look forward to
hearing from you.
Joe Sestak
Member of Congress
See Also:
Aint No Sunshine for Rita Denmark
Good for you Holly..Can't believe a confressman actually stepped up to the plate.
Thank you Congressman Joe Sestak
for supporting the efforts of NASGA
thank you for speaking out about the abuse. Maybe now others will follow suit.
Congressman Joe Sestak sets a real positive example!
A standing ovation for Congressman Joe Sestak! Thank you, sir!
I hope the guardian involved in this case, Jetta Getty, is reading!
This made my day!
Congratulations, Holly! And thank you, Congressman Sestak.
I believe Rita Denmark will be released into the waiting arms of her daughter. I appreciate the Congressman's support in Holly's effort to free her mother from unlawful incarceration.
Holly good going, do you realize how many millions of people you could be help by persuing this, everyone should be so proud of you and thanks to congressman Joe Sestak for doing whats right.
Thank you NASGA for applauding Congressman Sestak, whose support and leadership is so important to all of us who are fighting to prevent systemic negligence and abuse in the area of elder law.
Looks like the Attorney General in Florida is going to have the names Rita Denmark and Holly Peffer on his desk again!!
Holly has contacted that office numerous times just last week she told them after listening to lame excuses that, she would be in touch! She wasn't expecting it to be quite so soon. Thank you Congressman!
After battling this corruption in the FL courts alone for 2 yrs and watching her mother be abused, neglected and exploited by a system that is suppose to protect her, Holly was elated to find all the NASGA supporters. You are all to be commended for your efforts to make a difference. Don't ever quit, you don't know how close you are.
Rita Denmark was always quick to protect her children & I'll do the same for her. Thank God that I am able! The corrupt guardianships in Florida appears to be rampid and I persoanlly WILL NOT sit silent. This entire case involving Jetta Getty reeks of fraudulent. There certainly appears to be fraud upon Volusia County Court as well. Perhaps Volusia County Court doesn't mind the fradulent activities but, NOT with my mother!
The Congressman referenced documents and I would be happy to share any, just contact me direct at hlpeffer@yahoo.com Thanks to all for the continued support! If there is any way I can assist others thru what I have learned, please contact me.
Holly You are doing a great job and your helper is a Godsend. I think you got their Attention Now... I pray for your Mom to Come Home..... Where She Belongs Bambi Bryant
THIS is why we elect our congressmen! Thank you Joe Sestak for stepping up to the plate and getting involved.
A Big Thank You to Congressman Joe Sestak for caring about the elderly abuse and getting involved.
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