Friday, September 16, 2011

Elder Abuse Lawsuit Filed on Behalf of Mickey Rooney

Lawyers from Holland & Knight LLP have filed an elder abuse lawsuit on behalf of Hollywood legend Mickey Rooney and his court-appointed conservator. In a petition brought in Los Angeles Superior Court, the lawsuit claims that Rooney's stepson, Christopher Aber, and his wife, Christina, financially and verbally abused Rooney over a 10-year period, leaving the famed entertainer powerless over his assets and personal life.

In February of this year, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Reva Goetz granted court protection to Rooney, appointing attorney Michael R. Augustine as his conservator. Attorneys Bruce S. Ross and Vivian L. Thoreen of Holland & Knight in Los Angeles represent Rooney and Augustine, who charge the Abers with breach of fiduciary duty and fraud stemming from the elder abuse, along with misappropriation of Rooney's name and likeness.

Although he remains mentally sharp and physically able, Rooney has nonetheless in recent years become dependent on others for care and assistance. Even throughout his career, Rooney relied on support from others to help manage his personal and business affairs. According to the complaint, Aber took advantage of the trust and confidence that Rooney put in him, and in the process took control of Rooney's income and finances to enrich himself and his wife, while leaving Rooney no control over or access to his finances. Rooney alleges that the Abers regularly withheld food and medication, leading to bouts of depression.

"Clearly fame does not insulate an individual from the trauma and neglect of elder abuse, as Mickey Rooney's case vividly demonstrates," said Bruce S. Ross of Holland & Knight. "Mickey was exploited by a close relative in whom he placed his trust and looked to for guidance. If a person of Mickey Rooney's stature and profile can be victimized, there are untold numbers of less fortunate seniors who are similarly being abused in this country."

Full Press Release and Source:
Holland & Knight Files Elder Abuse Lawsuit on Behalf of Hollywood Legend Mickey Rooney, Claiming Financial and Verbal Abuse by Rooney Stepson Chris Aber


Thelma said...

What took so long?

StandUp said...

I'm really somewhat sorry to see this. Mickey Rooney probably thinks he'll recover his stolen funds and he doesn't realize that everything will be going to the conservatorship.

Mike said...

I agree, Stand up, the suit will benefit Mr. Rooney's conservator, not him. Altho it will give him some personal satisfaction.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Mr. Rooney, more people are aware of the guardianship scam.

Anonymous said...

"According to the complaint, Aber took advantage of the trust and confidence that Rooney put in him, and in the process took control of Rooney's income and finances to enrich himself and his wife, while leaving Rooney no control over or access to his finances"
Now the lawyers and conservator will take advantage of the trust and confidence Mr Rooney is putting in them and will take full control of Mr. Rooney's income and finances to enrich themselves and promote the facade that they are the good guys.

Jessy said...
