Dawson, of Osceola, has been assigned to hear a number of the cases in Jasper County Circuit Court naming Hunter in her former role as a guardian of county residents who are unable to care for themselves.
Tuesday’s hearings focused primarily on actions that led to Emma France, an elderly Carthage woman, being made a ward of the administrator’s office in May 2007, and the expenditure of money from France’s estate.
Jasper County Probate Judge David Mouton later voided rulings that had made France a ward, citing missteps including France not being allowed to attend the hearing and relatives not being notified of the session, both requirements of state law.
France is suing McKinney, contending that the attorney did not represent her wishes in the hearing that led to her being named a county ward. Mitchell on Tuesday argued that McKinney acted properly as a court-appointed guardian, and that such guardians are immune from lawsuits. He said McKinney had spoken before the hearing with France, “who was not interested in having this ‘kid’ represent her.”
“She (McKinney) told the court she (France) wanted to be there, but she didn’t think it was in her interest,” Mitchell said. “She acted based on the doctor’s certificate and all the available information. Guardians are supposed to be an independent voice. They’re not there to do whatever the ward says, and they must have the right to report to the court without fear of being sued.”
Full Article and Source:
Court Hears Arguments, Motions in Hunter Suits
See Also:
Rita Hunter's Attorney Fees Appealed
Go Emma France!
Look at all the money spent to defend Rita Hunter and her actions. They could have saved more money if they'd kept a close eye on her. And when the Emma France case came up, the public guardian should have let her go with their heads held low in shame for what Rita Hunter did.
I'm pleased to see Emma France's name back in print --- and still pursuing justice.
What an inspiration!
I hope Rita Hunter's other victims find NASGA and join the fight for reform!
The damage done to Emma France and her daughter by Rita Hunter and those who backed her is unforgivable. I hope the France family walks away from this with a big award and Rita Hunter is led to jail.
How many victims and families did Rita Hunter terrorize during her reign? And how long did it take for authoritities to catch on and act?
I hope she never sees sunlight again.
Thanks for following the Hunter case, NASGA. I hope Rita Hunter gets what she deserves.
Guardians need integrity as #1 requirement and the ward attorney needs backbone! My mother is a ward of the "Sunshine" state, Florid. Her court appointed attorney had information of neglect and exploitation, knew she wanted to be returned to her home state of Pennsylvania where she was "granny-napped" from. This same attorney agreed that the guardian should be removed but then said, lets get ward moved back to PA instead. When the guardian filed petition telling court the wards attorney was no longer needed, this spineless lawyer, resigned. It is happening everyday and NO ONE is safe!
Guardians are not supposed to "be an independent voice" at all. They are supposed to do what is in the ward's best interest and as much as they can, what the ward wishes.
Wards are not supposed to be slaves.
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