If the DA complies, the Braille and audio transcriptions his office pays to generate would become public record and could be used for free by Shafer, et. al., in their civil case against Pascal saving them an estimated $100,000.00 or more in court costs. Unable to read or respond to his complaint, Pascal asked a friend who helps persons with visual disabilities to write a dictated letter to Clark County District Judge Joanna Kishner explaining his situation, and the plaintiff's refusal to abide by the ADA law. He also dictated letters to the
The ACLU intervened on Pascal's behalf. Judge Kishner, on June 12, 2014, issued an order requiring Shafer to transcribe his initial 1,600 page complaint into Braille and audio along with all future filings. It cost $5.00 per page to translate a document into Braille, hence Shafer's reaction to try get the taxpayers to foot the bill. The transcription cost does not include paying someone to read the documents into a recorder, binding, packing or shipping.
It appears that unless the plaintiffs can get the taxpayers to foot the bill to comply with ADA requirements, they have been blind-sided by a legal requirement they should surely have known about before they filed their lawsuit.
Shafer accused Pascal of writing over one hundred RipOff Reports that contain allegedly libelous statements about him and his crew. Pascal claims to know nothing about the origin of the RipOff Reports. He also told INSIDE VEGAS that Shafer cost his mother-in-law Marcy Dudeck over $500,000.00 in excessive billings and legal fees drained from her trust account, though Shafer hadn't performed any guardian services for Mrs. Dudeck before her death.
The following check from the account of Marcy Dudeck was one of many secretly cashed by Jared Shafer. Mrs. Dudeck's family say they were never informed of the cashed checks after her death, and she was under guardianship at the time she purportedly signed the checks, therefore she was legally prohibited from being a signatory on any legal document. Marcy had been declared legally incompetent by the
Full Article and Source:
Private "Guardians" Jared E. Shafer and Patience Bristol Sue Blind Man for Libel, Now Ask Taxpayers to Pay the Bill
See Also:
NASGA: Marcy Dudeck, Nevada/California Victim
Private "Guardians" Jared E. Shafer and Patience Bristol Sue Blind Man for Libel
READ Charles Pascal's Letter to the Clark County District Judge
READ RipOff Reports containing allegedly libelous statements
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Jared E. Shafer |
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Patience Bristol |
You picked a lawyer loser, Shafer!
Y'know, suing somebody for defamation from prison should garner sanctions and punitive damages.
Why would the taxpayers pay the bill on a civil suit, Jared Shafer?
I am having another attack of contempt seeing Jared Shafer and Patience Bristol’s photo. The fires within me motivated me to submit a weekend lesson on how did we get to this insanity?
Here you go perfect example of the PROBATE CARTEL. That includes guardianships and conservatorships with legs into decedent's probate estate cases whether or not the decedent was a ward or non-ward.
Cartel definition, an international syndicate, combine, or trust formed especially to regulate prices and output in some field of business – the protection industry segment to the decedent’s probate estate case.
#1) noun: cartel; plural noun: cartels
an association of manufacturers or suppliers with the purpose of maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition.
"the Colombian drug cartels"
In a guardianship situation the competition is the opposing party, the complaining party and their lawyer who could very well be part of the 'cartel' billing with no intentions of a successful conclusion which would result in $00.00 billing. Got it?
Opposing party, the complainants are known as: 'angry, ungrateful, greedy heirs' and 'pre-mortem will contest’. Does it get any uglier? I think not but that’s the motive and intentions of the Guardianship Cartel for a long list of self serving interests to control the court for: profit and/or job security. People churned into products to feed the probate machine, the combine.
And we the people, the taxpayers are who are future products of this cartel are funding this lucrative criminal enterprise including picking up the tab for MEDICAID when the estates are drained, when income is redirected into the cartel’s pockets. I hope the IRS is aware of how easy it is to hide income and unearned income while we the average citizens are supporting this enterprise.
Are all guardianships wrongful, bad and abusive? No.
Are all judges part of and beholding to the probate cartel, the combine? No.
In my opinion this fits and I believe society needs to know what is in their future unless the take immediate preventive actions: Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care and Property along with advance directives with boxes of copies to be used as needed to wallpaper the walls of health care facility if and when you or your family member is in a hospital UNDER OBSERVATION or ADMITTED AS A PATIENT.
But read more on CARTEL that includes: LAWYERS – PROFESSIONAL GUARDIANS and CONSERVATORS with legs into BANKS a ring in real estate, used car industry, resale shops. Look around your house. When a court appoints a Guardian of Estate, before the ink is dry the court appointed fiduciary has 100% control of everything you have in your residence(s) in your vehicles, in your safe deposit box(es) with no oversight.
More on CARTEL:
a consortium of independent organizations formed to limit competition by controlling the production and distribution of a product or service; "they set up the trust in the hope of gaining a monopoly"
corporate trust, combine, trust
consortium, syndicate, pool - an association of companies for some definite purpose
drug cartel - an illicit cartel formed to control the production and distribution of narcotic drugs; "drug cartels sometimes finance terrorist organizations"
oil cartel - a cartel of companies or nations formed to control the production and distribution of oil
He is so bold and I'm amazed he hasn't been investigated and jailed.
Probate Cartel has the immunities and court protection of a public cartel although Probate Cartel is a private Cartel with Public Cartel protections with the judges with the rubber stamps approving the activities.
Lesson #2:
A cartel is a formal, explicit agreement among competing firms. It is a formal organization of producers and manufacturers that agree to fix prices, marketing, and production.
[1] Cartels usually occur in an oligopolistic industry, where the number of sellers is small (usually because barriers to entry, most notably startup costs, are high) and the products being traded are usually commodities. Cartel members may agree on such matters as price fixing, total industry output, market shares, allocation of customers, allocation of territories, bid rigging, establishment of common sales agencies, and the division of profits or combination of these.
The aim of such collusion (also called the cartel agreement) is to increase individual members' profits by reducing competition.
****One can distinguish private cartels from public cartels.
In the public cartel a government is involved to enforce the cartel agreement, and the government's sovereignty shields such cartels from legal actions.
Inversely, private cartels are subject to legal liability under the antitrust laws now found in nearly every nation of the world.
Furthermore, the purpose of private cartels is to benefit only those individuals who constitute it, public cartels, in theory, work to pass on benefits to the populace as a whole.
Competition laws often forbid private cartels.
Identifying and breaking up cartels is an important part of the competition policy in most countries, although proving the existence of a cartel is rarely easy, as firms are usually not so careless as to put collusion agreements on paper.[2][3]
well well well isnt this an interesting lesson in probate law 101 still absorbing the information provided at nasga blog that does make sense no doubt the cast of characters is large indeed sue put it to a useful example of something that is well known to the average joe on the streets yeah makes sense the more i think about the enormity of the cartel equals we are in some deep serious waters not knowing who exactly has ties to the powerful ones any wonder why people go through a parade of lawyers some bail minutes before a scheduled hearing claiming conflict of interest oh really you couldnt figure that out sooner like before you took the $15K to retain your ugly behinds leaving the client swinging in the wind karma baby
How dare they!
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