That being said, Danny wants to give the proceeds from the Awareness Concert to another victim of the Nashville flood. That is the kind of guy he is. So, we found one via his attorney Michael G. Hoskins.
Last week Danny forwarded this letter written by a friend of Mr. Hoskins. In the letter Betty and Steve Walker ask for help for their friend Stephanie Farmer. Stephanie lost everything in the flood. She takes care of her 67 year old mother that is on oxygen 24/7, her daughter who has cerebral palsy, works full-time, and goes to night school to become a paralegal.
She lost her car as well. She needs our help, and Danny wants to give it. I spoke to Mrs, Walker for about half an hour today, and last night talked to Mr. Hoskins for a half an hour in order to make sure it was fully vetted. I feel good about it.
I also heard that she made the news in Nashville, so i googled her. I found this on Tennessean.com.
Another story I just found.
I believe in serendipity. This woman came to our attention for a reason. We found that person in need of the money we raise at the Awareness Concert. Get your tickets now!
Danny Tate Pays it Forward to Another Nashville Flood Victim
See Also:
The Stephanie Farmer Story
Former Miss Wheelchair Rescued From Flooding
Facebook: Friends for Danny Tate's Defense
Free Danny Tate!!!
Things are certainly warming up to put an end to the evil empire of Kennedy et al.
the heat is on i love it finally those who gave the heat to a great guy who didnt hurt anyone are gonna be getting more heat than they ever imagined no where to hide the judge let this happen why?
I heard Danny say on the radio interview yesterday that he wants to help other flood victims because he's used to losing it all.
Good job of "protection" Davidson County Court.
Many eyes will be watching this event.
Great going, Danny.
Let Nashville rock and the thunder be heard all over Nashville!
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