Superior Court Judge Peter Cahill (from Gila County) issued the latest in a series of hefty financial sanctions against Goodman in a stinging 15-page ruling in an action against the sole practitioner by a large group of litigants, including a now-closed private fiduciary firm, Superior Court judges and several attorneys.
At one point, Goodman claimed that the shuttered fiduciary firm, the Sun Valley Group, in cahoots with Superior Court Judges and a cabal of greedy attorneys, was ripping off adults deemed "incapacitated" by the court for everything they had.
Judges often appoint private fiduciaries to help with all aspects of a clients's life, and Goodman's representation of those vulnerable people was marked by half-baked legal assaults and inane in-court verbal exchanges with judges and opposing counsel.
"Claims that the [clients] did not receive what they deserved--that, instead, scoundrels (`Racketeers,' as Mr. Goodman calls them) took advantage of them and stole all their property are serious," Judge Cahill wrote in his ruling, which was issued yesterday afternoon.
But the judge noted that Goodman never did file any paperwork to show his clients were entitled to legal relief, writing that "Alfred Dreyfus surely would have died on Devil's Island if Goodman had been his `[Emile] Zola.'" (Great literary reference there--check it out by linking to Zola.)
Cahill added about another $200,000 in legal sanctions against Goodman to the $24 million that the litigious little guy already is on the hook for. However, he suggested that, based on past behavior, "the court believes it is quite likely that these financial sanctions will mean nothing to Mr. Goodman."
The out-of-town judge, who was asked to sit on the Goodman case because of conflicts-of-interest in Maricopa County, wrote that "it is reasonably likely--actually it is a certainty--that Mr. Goodman will victimize others.
Cahill recommended that Maricopa County's presiding judge Norm Davis hold a hearing, after which Davis deem Goodman a "vexatious litigant," (vexatious denoting "an action or the bringer of an action that is brought without sufficient grounds for winning, purely to cause annoyance to the defendant").
If Judge Davis does so, Goodman would have to file any and all complaints with Davis himself for review and possibly immediate dismissal. Any defendants of a Goodman lawsuit wouldn't have to respond until the judge gave the go-ahead.
Cahill wrote that "Mr. Goodman's conduct--the manner in which he has handled these important matters--has brought discredit to the profession and the courts. In addition, his conduct caused significant harm to the litigants."
Full Article and Source:
Grant Goodman, Gadfly Phoenix Attorney, Sanctioned Heavily in Probate Cases
Such are times, whom we trust turn their backs on us and leave us in bizarre mess. But as it is said, the justice is done in the end and nicely done
What we are dealing with is definately racketeering, but I don't think a RICO case has a chance in court.
looks like this lawyer grant goodman is being snuffed out to silence the opposition
Mr. Goodman a "vexatious litigant," I think not! MANY MANY MANY of these professional guardaians are nothing more than thieves and their accompolises are along for the ride!
That's what my family experienced in Volusia County Florida!!!
A Good Man Sanctioned
A letter to the reporter of this article,Paul Rubin.
Mr. Rubin, as a reporter, you should understand your subject matter before you post your opinions. The officers of the court that should be "nailed to the proverbial legal wall" are the judges and attorneys that are involved in the active enterprise of robbing the life savings of American citizens. If you would do some research into this matter you will find the "extraordinarily slimy money making arrangement” is between the judges and attorneys that take a person's Inalienable Constitutional Rights and then take their life savings and all other assets. Why do you think Mr. Goodman's once wealthy client has nothing left? If you would take the time to investigate, you will find the probability is that Mr. Ravenscroft’s fortune was liquidated by the fiduciary that the court appointed. This is happening to people all over the United States. And why do you think these people cannot find help? Because attorneys that consider themselves as ethical and are repulsed by what is happening in the land of the free will not sacrifice themselves as Mr. Goodman has. The judiciary is making an example of Mr. Goodman and you jumped right on board to crucify him without so much as a blink. I can only hope that America wakes up to this blatant abuse of civil rights and robbery that is being perpetrated on the American public by the judicial system before you, Mr. Rubin, fall victim. And the chances that you will be victimized grow steadily every time another American falls prey to these criminals. And the number of Americans that are falling victim is increasing exponentially. Have you stopped to ask yourself, “How could Mr. Goodman enter into an agreement with an incapacitated person?” And maybe you should find out what happened to Mr. Ravenscroft’s estate. Why don’t you ask Mr. Ravenscroft? Your reporting is irresponsible and enables the real criminals. When the day comes that you find yourself dubbed as incapacitated and all your life savings stolen; you can thank yourself and languish in your regret that at one time you might have been able to do something about this but you were too lazy to investigate the truth.
Grant Goodman is a rarity who is standing alone.There needs to be a 'call' to get other attorneys to stand with him. Individually they will be taken down; collectively and together they can take down the 'stronghold' of these atrocitries that are sweeping our country affecting our loved ones.
AMEN!! I could not have said it better myself, and would not have said it better myself!! Unfortunately, as usual, until we find our own selves in this horrific situation, or are forced to try and save and protect a loved one or family member-much understanding about this COMPLETELY LEGAL CRIME that occurs in our judicial system simply goes unnoticed. Kuddos to this attorney for caring enough, for being ethical enough, for feeling passionate enough about this serious matter to put himself out there and for taking the road not less traveled, but never traveled. Shame on our court system!! Shame on our judicail commitees that oversee!! Shame on all of us for letting our elders and most vulnerable loved ones be sacrificed! It is shameful and heartbreaking. I will not stop fighting for change and for accountability! WE DESERVE BETTER!! My dead father deserved better!!
I don't believe all they're saying about him. He is being maligned just like victims are maligned.
However, I do think he just might be an opportunist telling victims what they want to hear.
Looks like the organized bar is gathering and joining forces to take Grant Goodman down for speaking up for the vulnerable.
GD LA pointed out so eloquently that the Bar's spending all their time and effort on getting Goodman while ignoring what the real culprits are doing to innocent people.
Hold on everybody, before you decide that Grant Goodman is right and these people are 100% wrong, does anyone know how much he is charging these victims to stand up for them? One of the articles I read said he chaged Ravengroft $100,000.
Mr. Goodman, you're my hero!
It seems what Cahill wrote about Goodman is really true of the lawyers involved in guardianship abuse.
sounds like the bar protests too much about mr. goodman. could he be getting under their skin and exposing them for what so many of them are?
No wonder victims of systemic elder abuse can't find attorneys to represent them. Thanks, Attorney Goodman.
GD LA put it very eloquently.
I read the summary of GOODMAN's RICO pleading, and isn't that what you've all experienced in your own cases?
See Part 2 of:
I think not.
Cahill and Davis are vexatious judges.
Maricopa is riddled with probate corruption.
Goodman is a hero.
Eye all attorneys with skepticism.
Our son was found by a court appointed Dr. to be competent, not to need a guardian or conservator and that he can 'competently' handle his financial affairs.
We have filed two Summary Judgments for dismissal of the case but the judge, Myers, is allowing the opposition to go forward with discovery which is against the law.
We just won a Special Action in the Appeals court of Arizona against our former judge, Donahoe, for arresting our attorney for refusing to disclose attorney client privilege, sanctions, for fines against them for a legal subpoena and for ex-parte communications with an expert witness.
This is a huge win for attorney's and their clients.
As for the absolute corruption that is going on, that will never change until the people who have been victimized come together and demand accountability and punishment for the crimes committed against the public.
Our voices must be heard all the way to Washington.
Nice Blog.Count me in as a supporter of this blog!.
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