Monday, June 27, 2011

Oversight Found Lacking for Guardians

A former corporate guardian who police say stole from elderly and disabled Outagamie County residents operated within an oversight system that relied largely on his word, The Post-Crescent has found.

In records he was required to file with the county, Jeffrey M. Schend neglected to report client assets and inaccurately reported spending and money received, leaving him room to siphon away hundreds of thousands of dollars, according to an attorney hired to investigate Schend's dealings.

State law doesn't require officials to closely audit a guardian's records.

The suspected thefts went undetected for about six years before clients and their caregivers raised red flags, the attorney found.

System based on trust:
State law generally requires guardians to provide an annual form listing a client's beginning asset balance, expenses for the year and assets at the close of the year. The numbers need to balance to gain court approval.

Full Article and Source:
Oversight Found Lacking for Guardians


Steve said...

The thing is this isn't new news. They have known oversight is basically non-existant for the longest time,but do nothing about it.

Sue said...

This reporter Jim is on the right track bet he is making the so called authorities, legislators and experts very nervous that's good news.

Closed guardianship case files are big part of the problem and those who are part of this plan to hide details need to step up and take the heat and reverse the sealed files post haste and let the light shine for the first time in how many years, how many decades?

Someone with Colombo eyes needs to finally see what the guardians are doing behind closed doors and where the complaints are going is anybody reviewing those complaints?

I can see how easy it is to take advantage the more I learn the entire system is suspect to golden opportunities for people with a criminal minds and Schend is one of many and it took 6 years?

I'm amazed someone actually acted on the complaints and remember folks, the statute of limitations is 6 years for financial crimes in WI.

How many dishonest fiduciaries will walk away as the clock is ticking and you are left with the bills with no recourse?

Anonymous said...

I look forward to the play by play on this guy.

Anonymous said...

hey anon i agree play by play i hope and pray this guardian does serve hard time none of this probation slap on the wrist if they do then that would be a weak message to others to go ahead take what you want steal and lie in court papers the chance of getting away with your activities is playing the odds that you won't get caught and if you do so what's the big deal?

Anonymous said...

"Found lacking" is putting it mildly.