It might be questioned how individuals as people savvy as the Coopers could be caught up in a probate court swindle involving a loved one?
Both Coopers believe in law and justice and that the courts and those involved in the court system serve as protectors of the public and not predators. This same trust in the judicial system is held by the American people, which is why abuse of the most vulnerable is a nationwide problem.
As with so many individuals who have fallen prey to a growing uncaring and unjust judicial system, the Coopers trusted their attorney of 27 years, Karen Bowes and her associate Bruce Lange, who then guided the Coopers toward what was to become a hellish experience involving Bev Cooper’s mother.
As the story unfolds in 2008 (actual names are used as all are part of the public record), Beverly Cooper’s mother, Alice Gore, was living in an apartment building owned by Mr. Morris Esformes who likewise owned numerous nursing homes, to which Alice Gore had divulged her complete financial information upon moving in. At this point of time Bev Cooper had Power of Attorney for her mother’s health and financial needs, per her mother’s request, and Court-arranged by her attorney, Karen Bowes and associate Bruce Lange who works for Harris Bank and Trust.
Attorney Bowes was able to convince Bev Cooper that she should go to court to seek guardianship of her mother, being told by Bowes that guardianship trumped Power of Attorney. Represented by attorney Karen Bowes, Bev Cooper was granted Plenary Guardianship of her mother by Cook County Probate Judge Kawamoto. At the same time Judge Kawamoto appointed Miriam Solo, a cousin of apartment building owner, Mr. Morris Esformes, to serve as Guardian ad Litem on the case.
The plot thicken. Beverly Cooper’s attorney, Karen Bowes, and the court-appointed Guardian ad Litem, Miriam Solo, cousin to Mr. Morris Esformes, had been close friends for ten years. Karen Bowes knew that Bev and Ken Cooper had a daughter born with severe personalty disorders and psychotic problems for she had served as legal counsel to the Coopers for psychiatric and legal issues their daughter Kimi had endured during her childhood. As such Miriam Solo had heard about the Cooper family and realized their was money involved with Beverly’s mother, Alice Gore.
Bev Cooper’s Plenary Guardianship turned out to be short-lived, from February to August, 2009. It was then that Beverly Cooper’s mentally disabled and psychotic daughter, Kimi Cooper, was set up to make a complaint to Judge Kawamoto against her mother. Kimi testified that her mother had stolen $300,000 from her grandmother’s account, which was found to be an error made by the bank. It never happened.
Full Article and Source:
Abuse and Corruption Rampant in Probate Court of Cook County, IL
Note: To be continued....
Yeah, guardianship trumps PoA!
Only when a rat is dealing the cards!
Psychotic daughter? OMG
I can't wait for the next chapter!
Power of Attorney is sufficient authority to take care of business why guardianship was established is curious and suspicious. My heart goes out to the Coopers. Keep shouting out loud, keep up the fight you are a voice for Alice and all those who have been silenced this is wrong, wrong, wrong and look at those who gained, those who benefited from this case always follow the money trail.
When is the next segment?
Look for more tomorrow, Rachael. Thanks for asking!
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