Administrative Office of the Courts, 511 Union Street, Suite 600, Nashville, TN 37219; 615-741-2687 800-448-7970
Included above is the latest address of the Tennessee Court of the Judiciary’s latest lead counsel (they both change a lot). This is where you want to mail a complaint. Certain addresses with the COJ have changed several times within the last two years. They seem to move around a lot. In fact, when I attempted to contact Timothy Discenza two months ago, he answered the phone and asked me to call him back “next week” because he was moving his office.
Also, included are the phone numbers of the Adm. Off. of the Courts. Phone numbers for the COJ change, every now and then, and will frustrate you in your efforts to find a talking head. If you have a problem getting someone on the phone, Google Court of the Judiciary (or the applicable name of this body for your jurisdiction within your country) and you should find the current addresses and, hopefully, phone numbers. Or call the Adm. Off of the Courts and ask them for the contact numbers for the COJ.
Begin by finding the Tennessee Supreme Court Judicial Code of Ethics or Code of Judicial Conduct. It’s not an easy read, but if you are going to file a complaint you will have to knuckle down and attain a working knowledge of this Code. I’m only passing on what was suggested to me and it seems to be a successful template.
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How to File a Complaint Against A Judge and An Attorney(Chapter 1-Judges; part 1)
Thank you for continuing this series!
If you don't understand the codes and include the violation info in your complaint, you're wasting your time!
That's right, Thelma. People have to understand that complaining about a judge's decision isn't going to get anyone anywhere. You have to complain about procedures and laws.
Yes it does matter if you file a complaint remember to send it certified mail with tracking proof of receipt with a return signature card.
Thank you for the education in cleaning up our courts.
And don't trust the clerks, either:
keep making copies of the docket sheet. They are known to "alter" records!
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