Monday, March 31, 2014

Conservator will suffer for his abuse of disabled

As a second-generation native of Clay County and Celina, I am upset, dismayed and disturbed about the March 27 story  “Ex-conservator’s control over couple fed ‘evil desires.’

A person who is put in the position of conservator is granted a special trust by the granting of jurisdiction to someone else. It is understood that this person will act in the best interest to protect the person, or people, he oversees.

In this case, this is far from what hap­pened. To coerce and manipulate a couple with candy or groceries for favors such as sex is so horrendous it would not make good fiction. Restitution and a suspended sentence does not seem just.
Full Article & Source:
Conservator will suffer for his abuse of disabled

See Also:
Nashville Federal Judge Ordered $700K Paid by Former Conservator to Victims


Thelma said...

The TBA and the legislature have not done enough to clean up this problem.

Can a judge who teaches law not understand the statute because it's not clear enough?

StandUp said...

TN needs a lot of work to clean things up. I just don't think that's what they really want to do. They'll go as far as looking like that's their intent, but as long as Judge Randy Kennedy sits on the bench, we know it's smoke and mirrors.