Thursday, May 29, 2014

Patience Bristol escorted from court in handcuffs

 LAS VEGAS - Clark County District Court Judge Elizabeth Gonzalez this morning sentenced PFSN Inc. “guardian” Patience Bristol to three to eight years in Nevada State Prison for stealing from elderly or vulnerable clients assigned to her by PFSN’s owner Jared E. Shafer.

During the one hour hearing, four victims spoke, often mentioning her employer Shafer and his firm in their emotional pleas for a maximum sentence.

Originally, Las Vegas Metro Police charged Bristol with twenty one counts of exploiting the elderly and vulnerable, but attorneys for Bristol were successful in negotiating a plea bargain with Clark County District Attorney Steve Wolfson to drop twenty of the counts.

Dr. Ron Dutton told the court that Bristol stole assets from his brother Jean Dutton that were intended to pay for his living in a group home, but he is now forced to be on welfare at taxpayer’s expense.

Dutton tearfully stated; “I thought she was going to be my brother’s guardian angel.” He then described Bristol’s Mercedes Benz paid for from money she stole, and asked the court to render a maximum sentence.

Full Article & Source:
Patience Bristol escorted from court in handcuffs

See Also:
First of Many Expected Lawsuits Just Filed Against For-Hire "Guardian" Jared E. Shafer and Two of His Employees

Court-Appointed Guardian Arrested for Stealing READ the two complaints filed with the CGC

READ the 16 page complaint

READ the full Berger Complaint

The Jason Hanson - Jared E. Shafer Story

New Lawsuit Filed Against Nevada "Guardians" Patience Bristol and Jared E. Shafer

Nevada Guardian Patience Bristol Arraigned on Robbery Charges

Former Public Guardian

Guardian Jared Shafer's Public Signs Become a Public Nuisance


NASGA said...

She got off too light,

Kathleen said...

I think it was also to light of a sentence!!!

Sue said...

Her employer Jared Shafer now that's a familiar name this is a criminal enterprise, racketeering, mail fraud, wire fraud, lying to the court the list is endless along with a stack of other federal crimes on top of the state criminal code.

Patience Bristol deserves the maximum + prison time served consecutively not concurrently. Bristol is a danger to society preying on the weak she is a coward and in my opinion hopeless case for any rehabilitation.

I agree with NASGA light sentence 3 to 8 years what does that actually mean?

This is an opportunity for our judicial system to shout out loud to all fiduciaries: don't think about it to use this disgusting creature as a deterrent to others with criminal minds.

Thelma said...

Well, now, let's see which way Bristol went as regards to Shafer!

Anonymous said...

for gawds sake man-why wasn't she assigned the kind guardian ?
the kind that denies visitors and contact with friends,denies the phone and mail etc ? oooooh yeah,she's a prisoner not a ward.
oooops !convicts have more rights and access to their loiyuuhs than THE WARD has.
now how is that and why has no one ever challenged this ?