Monday, November 15, 2021


 Debbie Dahmer of Florida never gives up. Her father, professional wrestler George “Chief White Owl” died from poor care and neglect in a Florida nursing home back in 2012.

After years of litigation, the Dahmer family won a civil lawsuit that included punitive damages. However, they discovered that there was a law in Florida that allowed the State of Florida to get 50% of any punitive damage award in a civil lawsuit.

This means that the department that is to oversee nursing homes in Florida gets a reward for not protecting Mr. Dahmer while he was abused in a Florida nursing home.

This did not seem ethically right, and possibly unconstitutional, to Debbie so she began her quest to have the law repealed. Debbie reached out to FATE to assist her in her mission, which we gladly did and have worked with her each year since then to have this law repealed. That was six years ago and the bill was voted down each year. Debbie did not give up and neither did FATE or Representative Amber Mariano, who has authored the bill each year. During this process, FATE learned that there are other states that have the same law on the books. The Florida Department that receives the funds is not in favor of having this law repealed. We will continue with this mission to get the law ousted in Florida and then attempt to have the other states repeal the same type of legislation.

Full Article & Source:


StandUp said...

Go Debbie Dahmer!

Debbie Dahmer said...

@StandUp, I am RELENTLESS! Thank You!~ Can't give up or we automatically lose. We got to STAND UP and SPEAK OUT for what is right not what is wrong. Got to stay motivated and stay positive.. Want to see JUSTICE For ALL..

A Big SHOUT OUT to National Association to STOP Guardian Abuse (NASGA) for their ongoing inspiring support. Together we can get changes made, we got to at least try. Teamwork is so important. NASGA is a GREAT TEAM PLAYER! Can't Thank them enough.. STAND UP WITH US not against us.. Our Voices and Actions really do matter never think that they don't..