Monday, June 17, 2024

Couple awaiting sentencing in elder abuse case, drawing exposure to growing issue

"We will continue to do our case work and show that justice can prevail," US Attorney Josh Hurwit said.

Author: Abby Wilt 

BOISE, Idaho — Elder abuse happens to one in ten adults above the age of 65, according to research by the Senior Justice Law firm. In Idaho, elder abuse is a growing issue as well.

“There’s so many different types of elder abuse, financial, health and neglect,” said US Attorney Josh Hurwit.

Research also shows that elder abuse is four times more prevalent than child abuse in the US.

“Just like children, our elderly population can be vulnerable, especially if they know the person,” Hurwit said.

Currently, in Idaho, a couple is awaiting sentencing after being charged with elder abuse, specifically in the form of obstruction of justice.

In 2015, James and Jessica Dougherty rented a room from a retired schoolteacher in Boise at a ranch past Hidden Springs. When the schoolteacher started losing memory, James and Jessica started using her money and eventually bought the ranch from her without her knowing.

From Ada County Jail, Jessica called someone to get a laptop wiped at the victim’s ranch, and later plead guilty for destroying records with the intent of obstructing the investigation into financial fraud.

The couple has been in jail and is scheduled to be sentenced in August.

Hurwit said if you or someone you know is experiencing elder abuse, you can report it at Adult Protective Services or call 911 if there is immediate danger.

Full Article & Source:
Couple awaiting sentencing in elder abuse case, drawing exposure to growing issue

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