Saturday, August 31, 2024

Oakland Co. probate judge removed from docket pending misconduct investigation

by Kara Berg and Hannah Mackay

An Oakland County Probate Court judge has been removed from her docket and put on leave indefinitely pending the results of a state misconduct investigation, according to the court.

Judge Kathleen Ryan was taken off her docket Tuesday due to a pending Judicial Tenure Commission investigation about "internal allegations of unprofessional conduct," Oakland County spokesperson Bill Mullan said Friday.

A visiting judge or judges will handle her caseload while the JTC case plays out. The commission handles investigations into judicial misconduct on or off the bench.

There are not currently any public cases involving Ryan, according to the commission website. Most cases are handled confidentially within the commission and are never made public. Ryan does not have any previous public JTC complaints, according to the panel's website.

Ryan was charged with misdemeanor domestic violence in 2021, but the case was dismissed in March 2022.

Ryan was elected to the Oakland County Probate Court in 2010 and has been practicing law since 1996.

Full Article & Source:
Oakland Co. probate judge removed from docket pending misconduct investigation

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