Mentor resident Tom Fields is featured in the June 2008 video. Mr. Fields reviewed and donated a book entitled "Financial Abuse of the Elderly" by detective Joe Roubicek. Mr. Fields became an advocate for the elderly after his father was exploited before dying of cancer. Mr. Fields is working to help make seniors aware of the risk so they do not become victims.
The Estate of Irving Fields - Evidence of Fraud and Undue Influence
See also:
Financial Abuse of the Elderly
Mentor Senior Center is located at
8484 Munson Road
Mentor OH 44060
(440) 974-5725
It good to see that advocates such as Mr. Fields are taking the truth to Seniors. While the truth is ugly, it is necessary to counter the danger of pro bono attorneys scouting for potential victims.
As I was talking to my older sister this morning regarding their health and estate planning, I realized unless reform takes place: THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES AGAINST ABUSE OF ELDERS OR THEIR ESTATES.
The more involved an estate is, the greater is the potential for abuse and guardianship. Awareness of the risk is horrifying but how to avoid???
Thank you! Tom Fields for donating the excellent book written by Detective Joe Roubicek to your local Senior Center.
Your unending efforts and dedication to expose how your father was exploited, manipulated and taken advantage of during his last hours of life.
And, Thank you! Detective Joe Roubicek for your ongoing efforts and hard work to write a book from your personal experiences which explains and exposes some of the other forms of financial exploitation of the elderly and the vulnerable of our society.
I also have to thank Tom Fields for advocating the theme of my book and for his persistant mission to pass new laws to better protect those who need it most.
Both Tom Fields and the NASGA membership are making their mark on guardianship abuse and I'm sure there is more to come!
Joe Roubicek
Tom Fields's passion is clearly evident in his excellent presentation of this book.
Job well done!
And thank you, Detective Roubicek, for a book focused to save readers from financial exploitation.
Forewarned is forearmed!
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