Thursday, January 31, 2008

T is for Trespass

Information on the Sue Grafton mystery that confronts the evil of elder abuse was sent from a NASGA member saying:
"The people who change history are the artists - a call for novels, art, cartoons, poetry, and music as effective weapons of truth."

This appears to be a mystery that guardianship and conservatorship victims or their families can identify with.

tres•pass \'tres-p s\ n: a transgression of law involving one’s obligations to God or to one’s neighbor; a violation of moral law; an offense; a sin –Webster’s New International Dictionary (second edition, unabridged)

In what may be her most unsettling novel to date, Sue Grafton’s T is for Trespass is also her most direct confrontation with the forces of evil. Beginning slowly with the day-to-day life of a private eye, Grafton suddenly shifts from the perspective of Kinsey Millhone to that of Solana Rojas, introducing listeners to a chilling sociopath. Rojas is not her birth name. It is an identity she cunningly stole, an identity that gives her access to private care-giving jobs. The true horror of this novel builds with excruciating tension as the listener foresees the awfulness that lies ahead. The wrenching suspense lies in whether Kinsey Millhone will realize what is happening in time to intervene. T is for Trespass–dealing with issues of identity theft, elder abuse, betrayal of trust, and the breakdown in the institutions charged with caring for the weak and the dependent–targets an all-too-real rip in the social fabric. Grafton takes us into far darker territory than she has ever traversed, leaving us with a true sense of the horror embedded in the seeming ordinariness of the world we think we know. The result is terrifying.
Source: Sue Grafton - Reviews

From Book Reporter: As silent and lethal as undetectable poison, Solana begins to set the stage for the solitary Gus’s demise. Through lies, deception, deliberately confusing times of day and drugging his food, he soon appears to have dementia and memory loss to friends who visit. His distant niece who trusts Solana enables her to take more responsibility with his day-to-day needs.

Kinsey begins to suspect that something is wrong when Gus’s personality changes and starts to look for evidence of wrongdoing. Solana’s sociopathic behavior and paranoia soon turn on Kinsey, and she finds herself the object of Solana’s abuse.

As current as today’s headlines, Sue Grafton tackles the problems of identity theft and elder abuse in an exciting new novel --- the 20th in her legendary alphabet series.T IS FOR TRESPASS is more than a good mystery; it is an alert to the dangers that await us all if we are not aware of how easy it is for an unscrupulous person to insinuate themselves into a family member’s life.

Read an excerpt from the book: T is for Trespass

More from other readers: Amazon Customer Reviews

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