Tate had been under the conservatorship since 2007.

For the next three years, Danny Tate paid not only his own legal fees but his brother’s legal fees. The total amount, as estimated by Danny Tate’s lawyer Michael Hoskins, was about $200,000.
Hoskins said Danny Tate is down to his last $10,000.

Housch is asking Judge Randy Kennedy to put a lien on Danny Tate's house in West Meade to ensure his bill is paid.
Housch is also asking for the balance of Danny Tate’s retirements account, about $7,000, as well as Tate’s quarterly royalty checks from BMI, about $23,000.
Hoskins said now that the conservatorship is dissolved, Danny Tate should get all his money back, then set up a payment plan for the outstanding legal fees. Hoskins says Danny Tate may have to file bankruptcy. He said he wants the judge to say no to the lien on Tate’s home.
"It doesn't make sense to legitimize taking somebody from $650,000 in capital and reducing them to homeless in the street and saying that's in the best interest of the ward," Hoskins said.
Full Article, Video, and Source:
Lawyer Wants Lien on Songwriter's House
See Also:
Free Danny Tate!!!
Facebook: Friends for Danny Tate's Defense
What next? They have a lot of guts and nerve. Do they know how ridiculous this sound? Bad press on their part..unless HOOCH and David like listeneing to thenselves.
Are they still in the twilight zone? Danny's house has been flooded. Ah...maybe that is it...insurance money?
This is just too insane to believe..
Guardianship is good; if you're a greedy and unethical lawyer!
There is no question about who's BEST INTEREST has been served!
Do you suppose Uncle David will support Danny's children?
When is Washington going to wake up.
The first part of Guardianship law that needs to go is the ward pays everyone's costs. This allows the attorneys to raid the cookie jar and then they tell you it is totally legal.
The second part ex parte
The third anyone can walk in and file
The forth court appointed attorneys are paid flat rates of $500.00 - let it be part of their mandated Pro-Bono work.
The fifth - if people get caught in perjury they are prosecuted to the fullest.
The sixth - the wards money - well it stays the wards not the courts, attorneys, experts, nursing homes etc.
Hasn't Danny's brother repeatedly insisted that he [David] acted out of concern for Danny? If that's so, then why would David have a problem paying the legal fees? Or does David's concern end when it comes to paying the bill, just as it does for so many other "good Samaritans", many of whom are on the receiving end of such fees ...
David Tate's appearance is very troubling - he looks troubled and in deep thought. Hmmmm Why? Wondering where all of his elephant tracks lead?
Paul Housch wants to pick Danny Tate's financial bones because he is a greedy lawyer -- the very kind that give lawyering a bad name!
David Tate is probably worried about his own hide now. Danny's lawyer will be filing suit against him and the FBI has already been alerted. David Tate has a lot to worry about!
Is Kennedy going to let Housch get away with this?
Well, I think so.
Remember Judge John Phillips? His guardians stole right infront of public scrutiny. They just couldn't help themselves.
I guess greed is blind.
Paul Housch should never have been paid a cent from Danny's funds from the get-go.
Hoskins is worth the money. He's fighting FOR Danny, not against him.
In fact, Housch not only shouldn't get paid, but David and his buddy, Housch should be reimbursing Danny for Hoskins' fees -- those fees were generated by an abusive guardianship, orchestrated by David Tate and Housch.
Good one, Holly!
The eyes are all over Kennedy on this. The "buck stops with" him.
Meanwhile, Friends for Danny Tate's Defense group continues to grow!
Paul Housch, inadvertenly, has contributed to growing a group of advocates to fight unscrupulous lawyers like him.
In the end, we will have done all that is humanly possible to show and prove the crimes and how the racket operates.
It's up to those who have the knowledge, those with the POWER and AUTHORITY and RESPONSIBILITY to do something about it.
Housch would take the clothes off Danny's back if he could get away with it. It's never enough - addicted to love of money. I think this case proves this point beyond a reasonable doubt.
Read the book: SNAKES IN SUITS
for a glimpse into a world of characters that was unknown to me in my other life.
Evil it is...
What else does Paul Housch want of and from others? KARMA Mr. Housch, my wish for you sir is that you are forced to experience exactly what you forced on Mr. Tate. Fair?
3700 Friends for Danny Tate's Defense and still growing!
Pray that Paul Housh gets what he deserves instead!
Courtroom terrorists and they have their eyes on: YOU
Oh how badly the system needs to have oversight and change. But please remember we have elections coming up...primaries and general. Much of this has happened as we have to admit, too many of us have been negligent in our voting duties and also involvement. The price becomes very heavy.
Interestingly over in IA, the Terry Branstad campaign manager tells me that Mr Branstad (former long time governor running again) is well award of the guardian problem and intends to do something about it as soon as his feet hit the governors office We will see but we are again hopeful.
Maybe all of us, to one degree or another, have been too lazy in our civic duties and voting in prior elections. All of this is a small reminder of the huge price we pay when we neglect to exercise our freedoms. Decades algo, the oppossing politicians just had some differing view points. Such is no longer the case in this age. We can readily see that ill minded persons holding offices that control our life, liberty and property are inflicting huge damages and that to the weak and elderly. We have primaries and a general election coming up...let's exercise our freedoms while we still have some.
Oh how badly the system needs to have oversight and change. But please remember we have elections coming up...primaries and general. Much of this has happened as we have to admit, too many of us have been negligent in our voting duties and also involvement. The price becomes very heavy.
Interestingly over in IA, the Terry Branstad campaign manager tells me that Mr Branstad (former long time governor running again) is well award of the guardian problem and intends to do something about it as soon as his feet hit the governors office We will see but we are again hopeful.
Elections are critical but beware who is funding the politicians campaign warchests.
Is it YOU who is the heavy contributor?
Who is lobbying - in reality BRIBING - legislators to write the laws ...... in their favor!!!
BINGO!!! Who are the special interest groups - is it you?
Always follow the votes and their love of money, follow the $ and this will show you how THEY got US into this mess.
Lawyers and those who feed off of guardianships are heavy contributors which buys them heavy ear time - now, what side of the $ fence do you suppose a politician will be found?
Your side? Or, the side where money buys influence?
And, who do you suppose contributes to judicial races?
You? Me? or, hmmmmmm lawyers and those who feed off of probate guardianships and conservatorships?
I think the answers to the above questions are obvious ~~ what we do about it is the million dollar question.
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