Fighting to take a breath, the smell of death and decay rose to slither and weave into a cloak of panic — the desperation devouring and merciless, as laughter abruptly pierced the blanket of blackness engulfing and suppressing all that was and all that might have been. I begged to scream. I begged to flee. I begged for mercy, but there was none for neither him nor me.
Then morning broke through the nightmare, but the pounding of my heart did not immediately ease. It was a nightmare that Sara Harvey, and those such as she, must endure on a daily basis. A nightmare of facing cold, dark decisions forced upon them. A nightmare that destroys every hope that might have been, or happens to briefly visit. in their journey of fighting the abuse in behalf of a loved one sucked into the poison of a broken system. A system that was meant to assist, but instead has come to hideously feast upon its unsuspecting prey.
Full Article and Source:
The Nightmare: Sara Harvey's Desperate Fight to Save Gary Harvey
See Also:
Frivolous Charges: The Secret Life of the Gary Harvey Case
I am constantly amazed that the guardian is getting by with abusing and neglecting Gary Harvey. I am also amazed that people can be so very cruel.
Who petitioned the court to appoint a guardian for Gary Harvey? What is the name of the judge who obliged?
Look what they do because Gary Harvey can't defend himself.
It's a crying shame.
God Bless you Sara Harvey for all you are doing on behalf of your husband. Years go by while Gary spends 99% of his life alone in his room without you by his side.
All of this in the best interest of Gary?
I don't think so.
If Gary could walk out of that room where do you suppose he would want to go?
Back in that room?
Or, would he want to go back home to his wife?
I recall at one point the Guardian team had decided to stop feeding Gary.
What happens when daily nourishment and fluids are taken away from a living person and that person is unable to access food ad water?
I recall Sara was clear in her opposition to this plan to stand by and watch Gary die a slow death.
I am not amazed at the cruely, no I've witnessed this in our family, death of our loved one by starvation and dehydration at the orders of the Temporary Guardian our loved one was not allowed to go to the dining room for her meals and no food was brought to her room. No water, no liquid, just left slumped over in her wheelchair, left there to die.
I need to stop now time has not healed, time has not faded the memories or the sense of tremendous loss.
They tried to kill Gary and they've still got control over him?
Yes this is a nightmare a long sad battle for Sara if people only knew what can happen to them a life chaning event with no warning. I wager people read this and say oh that's so sad but oh no that won't happen to our family. Think again what life would be like when strangers are in 100% control of your life and add to that people with an agenda against a family member reminds me of 'court ordered hell'.
" have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."
Where does it say in the marriage vows husband and wife until a Guardian takes control of your life, separates man and wife?
What's so hard to understand?
What is it about these people? Are they just cruel or do they have no empathy?
They sure wouldn't allow the same thing they are doing to Gary Harvey to happen to any of their relatives. And yet, they see no wrong in terrorizing Sara Harvey and helpless Gary Harvey.
It's a sick, sick world.
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