The bubble burst. The fantasies dismantled. It was time to see the realities of how it really works, or can really work. (Some get waivers from the new mindset rules or procedure -- many don't -- Gary Harvey was one of the don'ts.)
From what it appears, an attorney that was suppose to represent Sara (and therefore Gary) bailed just before the hearing. One would think this would call for one of those continuances that can be given out and often is. Instead, Sara stood alone before the court and with challengers who were well versed in the way the court and system works. She hadn't a chance. Gary became a ward and it wasn't Sara that was to be the guardian.
Long story short...
Six years and bit later, here we are and there Gary is.
Guardianship abuses can even involve the courts and system once setup to protect the vulnerable but that have become too powerful and without true accountability.
Sara has spent hours upon hours trying to find a way to get her husband home, where he would want to be, yet she is treated as the bad guy by the system. This makes sense how?
The system peoples petitioned the court to kill off Gary by starving and dehydrating him to death. With this in mind, they feel what need to protect Gary and from what? What is it that they think Sara could possibly do to her husband that is far worse than starving and dehydrating him to death?
Perhaps none of this is a matter of caring well for Gary or protecting him from potential outside harm. Perhaps, instead, the need for the system people to hold on to Gary is something we should all wonder about and demand an answer to.
Simply put... why can't he go home to live or die? It doesn't make sense that he can't! It simply doesn't!
Full Article and Source:
The Case of Gary Harvey: An Unsolved Mystery
See Also:
Help Bring Gary Home
The mystery is solved by just following the money...we all know they don't love Gary Harvey.
Been following this case for years and it just makes me puke.
Where is the appointed attorney Kevin Moshier??? What the hell is he doing sitting on the side lines and letting this all happen?
He is a disgrace to the profession. I hope is aware that he is no longer immuned thanks to Dee King and her dad Dan Gross.
and by all means I am not referring to Chemung County in this ideal concept even though their TEAM has done a stand up job exploiting, abusing, and neglecting my husband.
The mystery here is why is common sense thrown out the window in favor of legal maneuvering which is detrimental to the ward?
Great article and David, you're right, the GAL in this case should hang his head in shame for selling out to the other side instead of protecting Gary Harvey. I wonder how he can even look in the mirror at himself.
Not only do they not love Gary Harvey, Beth, but they neglect and abuse him.
And yet they're in control. How messed up is that?
This case makes me so angry, I wish tar and feathering were still accepted practices.
there is no real mystery in this case and the truth(s) will not be buried for much longer.
and Betty, Kevin Mosier is an appointed attorney, he is NOT a GAL
It's the beauty on the bench; she runs the whole show!
The beauty on the bench should be removed for allowing Gary Harvey to be abused. She knows what's happening and she's turning her head.
The Harvey case is one of the most tragic cases I've ever heard about.
Shame on all of them.
I pray for Gary Harvey and the many other Gary Harveys and their families trapped by cruel and vicious people.
Tim and Betty,
Tim is correct that Kevin Moshier is the appointed attorney who should be represnting Gary Harvey's wishes. He likes to potray himself as a GAL which he is not. Thing is that I have always asked myself is why the AG(attorney gemeral) representing Kevin Moshier when his client Gary Harvey is suing him for breech of duty as what the Dan Gross case ruled on.
Why does Kevin Moshier have available to him an attoreny from the state when his role as APPOINTED ATTORNEY is to oppose the state in any effort to harm Gary Harvey under the state guardianship. Kevin Moshier can go hire himself his own attorney, while Gary Harvey is left with no protection from those who owe him the duty to protect him?
The beauty on the bench??? You mean the former Davidson & O'Mara attorney? The same Law firm whose attorneys are in fact the county attorneys that Gary Harvey and his wife are suing?
Beauty she is not, more like BEAST on the bench seemingly bought and paid for by Senator O'Mara's Law Firm.
There's not a person alive who would prefer an institution over home. And yet Gary Harvey isn't afforded this comfort.
Very sad and tragic.
I propose this case be presented to children in the 3rd grade.
They would be able to come to a 'sane' realistic opinion that would further place shame on this court for forcing Gary Harvey to spend his precious time, his lonely days and nights trapped in a hospital room waiting and longing for human contact, longing for time with his wife who takes her wedding vows seriously - til death do us part.
All the cases of abuse are upsetting, causing me much distress but this case is worse in that it is about husband and wife.
A situation that can be fixed and made right, immediately, but those who have the power to do the right thing, refuse to acknowledge mistakes were made, refuse to act in the best interests of the ward, Gary Harvey a Veteran.
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