Sunday, May 6, 2012

'Judge Kennedy Should Resign'

(Case# 06P-1603) Allows serious felony crimes to continue:

1) False imprisonment (isolate)
2) Aggravated assault (medicate)
3) Conversion of assets (liquidate)

Tacitly participates with lawyers in his court to liquidate ward's estate in order to enrich the attorneys and to spite me, the petitioner. Ruled that the respondent was incompetent solely to prevent me from withdrawing the petition when my first withdrawal was procedurally deficient (didn't notarize affidavit of service). Respondent was not incompetenet at that time, and the court didn't have sufficient evidence that he was.

He jailed me for 330 days for not abiding by his illegal order to shutdown my first website. Illegally ordered me not to use my father's name or his wife's name by email or by internet (it was finally overturned).

Judge Kennedy Should Resign


Thelma said...

A year has passed since NASGA described Kennedy's operation as "The Protection Racket." When will it end?

Norma said...

I am glad to see other Kennedy victims stand up. It didn't just happen once, Court of the Judiciary, it happened over and over.

Carra Lott said...

There will soon be a "live" petition in Davidson County regarding this. Contact me at
if you would like to help with this effort.

Sue said...

Judge Randy Kennedy needs to answer to the people via the TN Legislators.

And, it looks like there is a serious effort to gather signatures via Mary Ann and Carra Lott - applause!

It's up to the people in TN to make a difference or it's business as usual and NASGA will be publishing your story here - it's your choice to be heard.

Steve said...

Kennedy should be forced to resign. He should be de-benched and shamed.