Under Ohio law, a guardian is appointed for someone who can no longer make his or her own decisions. Once guardianship is granted, the ward loses legal power over his or her own affairs. Given this significant removal of individual rights, citizens in Ohio have long had a right to an attorney before a guardian is appointed. This case breaks new ground by affirming the continued right of these individuals to a lawyer at all subsequent review hearings. Mr. McQueen will now receive his day in court with an attorney.
“This landmark decision will have a lasting statewide impact,” says Kerstin Sjoberg-Witt, Legal Director of Disability Rights Ohio. “Anyone under a guardianship, both currently and in the future, now has a clear legal right to an attorney when challenging the need for a guardian.”
The court’s decision was unanimous. All of the Justices agreed that the right to a review hearing included the right to a court-appointed attorney under R.C. 2111.49(C) (emphasis added): “a hearing shall be held in accordance with section 2111.02 of the Revised Code to evaluate the continued necessity of the guardianship.” Therefore, to not provide an attorney would make the “accordance with” language “meaningless.”
Additional language in the ruling clarified that where the law provides for an appointed attorney, mandamus is an appropriate avenue to use when a lower court fails to appoint an attorney. Mandamus is a legal remedy that forces a court or other government entity to uphold a law or make a ruling on a law as written.
Full Article and Source:
Disability Rights Ohio declares victory in groundbreaking case: Right to counsel for those under guardianship upheld by Ohio Supreme Court
See Also;
READ State ex rel. McQueen v. Cuyahoga Cty. Court of Common Please, Probate Div., Slip Opinion No. 2013-Ohio-65
Congratulations Disability Rights! Indeed this is a victory to celebrate!
Congradulations!!! now how about those who have an attorney but are not being represented? Like my husband Gary Harvey who his appointed attorney keeps insisting that our visits together must be restricted.
No merit to my husband's attorney's quest. Just because he may not like me. Basing his assertation on a personal agenda.
It's an improvement. People stuck in guardianship can't get out by themselves.
Having a lawyer, even if that person is court-appointed, is a good start!
Congratulations Disability Rights!
Yea for Ohio!
Independent counsel is what is needed not a friend of the court who might be beholding to the probate club. We need to pay attention because we're next.
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