Monday, February 11, 2013

CA Professional Fiduciaries Bureau Issues A Citation

On October 17, 2012, the California Professional Fiduciary Bureau issued a Citation Order against Mary M. Pynenburg of Albany, California, case number 2011-50, for five (5) violations consisting of a violation for failing to keep complete accurate records of client accounts and for failing to provide the Bureau with records upon request by the Bureau.

Furthermore, Pynenburg was cited for failing to post a bond as required in a breach of fiduciary duties and violation of the Bureau’s Code of Ethics, and for failing to file an initial financial statement or an annual financial statement as required by law.

Not only did fiduciary Pynenburg fail to comply with the above mentioned laws, Pynenburg signed her application renewal application under the penalty of perjury asserting that she had completed her annual statement as required by law, however, in all reality failed to sumbit her annual statement with regards to complaint number PF2011000050.

Full Article & Source:
CA Professional Fiduciaries Bureau Issues A Citation


stewart said...

Does any one know if there are such state agencies elsewhere?

StandUp said...

Wonderful news!

B Inberg said...


Mary Pynenburg,
Professional Fiduciary
(510) 551-5897
PO Box 6628, Albany, CA 94706-0628

How many other cases does Mary have? I hope this Bureau is an equal opportunity oversite committee.

Thelma said...

It's good to know that a fiduciary agency is actually doing something about those who fail to comply with requirements.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many other states have a process in place via legislation? With the increase in aging population states better get on board because with the boomers coming - the protection industry is anticipating giant lotto with each case. This is big business with families out in the cold if there are assets. Eyes wide open easy to see mega wealth we're all a walking $.