The most recent estimates suggest 1 in 10 seniors are abused, neglected or exploited, and that has serious implications for individuals and communities. Victims of elder abuse are much more likely to end up in hospitals and nursing homes. Seniors lose almost $3 billion a year due to financial exploitation, which leaves them vulnerable and dependent on government or family assistance.
With an aging population, elder abuse is only expected to increase, and social service agencies are often not able to keep up. In this five-part series, we look at the complexities of elder abuse in the D.C. region and why the problem is so difficult to address.

The day Jeannie Beidler came home to find her grandparents decaying in their own waste was the saddest day of her life. This type of situation is not as uncommon as one would think.
Elderly Couple's Tale of Abuse Not So Uncommon

Social workers with Adult Protective Services are a front-line defense against elder abuse, but the economic downturn has been tough on the agency. At a time when their workloads have increased exponentially, budget cuts have hit hard.
The Uphill Battle to End Elderly Abuse

Who do you turn to when you have a complaint about a nursing home? The answer to that question differs from state to state -- but one of the options for many families are ombudsman programs. They deal with more than 157,000 nursing home complaints each year, on topics large and small.

Financial exploitation of seniors is a problem that's estimated to cost nearly $3 billion per year. Now, some states — including Maryland — are trying to put a stop to that abuse. Why is this exploitation so hard to spot? Here is a cautionary tale of one elderly woman who was allegedly defrauded by someone she knew from her church.
Financial Exploitation of Elderly Difficult to Detect

House calls serve as the first line of defense against elder abuse and neglect. Doctors, nurse practitioners and social workers can watch how patients interact with caregivers and see their surroundings.
House Calls a Better Option for Some Seniors
Series Source: Aging and Abuse
Why is it good series about elder abuse always feature family as the culprits? Do they not even see the "pros"?
i am family one of the good guys that don't count in any reports makes me feel like a crook and a bad guy now the courts will view all family wrongly all by design
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