But more than a year ago, friends and neighbors began to see a change in Tighe, who was in her mid-80s.
A court in February 2012 ruled that Tighe needed to be placed under the state’s guardianship program after finding that she was too “incapacitated,” both mentally and physically, to care for herself, and had little chance of rebounding.
Since then, Tighe has been moved to an assisted living facility in Weatherford, where her access to visitors must first be approved and monitored by the state.
One of her guardians arranged an estate sale at her house, where organizers promoted the sale of Tighe’s “high-end collectibles,” including Waterford Crystal, jewelry and “excellent furniture.”
And her house is up for sale.
“They just took her away,” friend Kathy Gilbreath told CBS 11’s I-Team.
The state says proceeds from the sales go toward caring for Tighe, and that the assisted living facility in Weatherford is the best place to receive that care.
So who’s taking care of Bobby…her cat?
“His health is almost perfect. There’s nothing wrong with him,” Mineral Wells veterinarian Flint Immel said, with Bobby purring in his lap.
Immel and his assistant, Angel Jiminez, told the I-Team they were shocked when Tighe’s court-appointed guardian called nearly a year ago and said he would no longer pay to have Bobby boarded at their clinic.
“He told me bluntly, the cat will be euthanized because there will be no more boarding fees paid,” Jiminez said.
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Friend: "They Just Took Her Away"
There are no words to express how this story affects me. The guardian needs to be tar and feathered. I bet his Mother doens't know he treats old people and their animals this way.
Tar and feathered would be a good idea, honeybear, but let's start with removing the guardian from this case and then getting both Denise Tighe and her cat home!
i hope the publicity gets Mrs. Tighe enough awareness that she gets her cat back.
This case really points to what happens when total strangers get in control. Oh sure, the guardian does't care about her cat, so to him it's disposable.
But, Mrs. Tigue is an animal lover and he cat is precious to her.
The judge should remove the guardian immediately.
Another very sad story and so senseless. I hope people pay attention. Good post, NASGA.
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