You couldn’t find John Savanovich’s case file online. You couldn’t find any reference to it in the regular electronic court postings. He charged that his case was being handled in virtual secrecy and that certain lawyers tricked him into signing over millions of dollars worth of property, as well as his bank holdings, and then stuck him in assisted living, taking away all his freedoms, when all he asked for was some help to get his properties fixed up and sold.
We pledged to John that we would review his case and whatever documentation we could obtain. John spoke clearly, coherently, and in great detail, as he has in multiple conversations.
Fast forward a bit: Well, The Boston Broadside has been cited once again in probate court, this time attacked for printing portions of John’s impounded court record, with his permission.
Judge Saddles John with ‘Connected Lawyer’
Norfolk Probate and Family Court Judge George F. Phelan has thus far refused to allow John to pick his own lawyer – instead John is saddled with one appointed by and with close working relations to the judge, John’s would-be choice of attorney charges.
At a recent hearing, the judge refused to allow John to speak in court, and refused to allow John to have Attorney Lisa Belanger, whom John reached out to after reading of her case in the Broadside, speak on his behalf. Atty. Belanger filed a motion against the judge, exposing multiple areas of conflict of interest between the judge and the lawyer he saddled John with, and asked the judge to recuse himself from further action in the case. That didn’t go well, and we’ll report more on it in an upcoming edition.
Silencing John
Now that we’ve exposed the court’s actions, things are heating up to totally silence John.
On May 21, 2019, Judge Phelan placed his signature on a two-page document that calls for a court-ordered evidentiary hearing to be held on July 19, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. in his court, the purpose of which is to declare John nuts – a competency hearing.
The judge has prohibited John from hiring any attorney other than that assigned by the judge, and the judge has locked down all further actions from any public scrutiny.
In essence, John has been isolated: He’s allowed to be present for a “Zaltman” hearing, but he’s represented only by court-appointed folks who are billing against John’s accounts, without John’s permission, saying that John is nuts.
We’ll be printing a lot more on this case (file no. 181286, 18P1287) in an upcoming edition.
Stay tuned. We’ve only just begun. ♦
NOTE: Judge’s Order is below. You’ll note, he’s
saddled John with ANOTHER lawyer – not of JOHN’s choosing – and JOHN HAS
TO PAY FOR THE LAWYER (or rather, the lawyers appointed by the judge
pay the other lawyers with John’s money, against John’s wishes, and also
pay themselves to talk to one another about this, to view accounts,
have checks written, have e-mail communications, write reports,
etc….basically, they’re sucking away at John’s accounts….oh, all to
“help” John.) OH, and you’ll note the judge specifically lets his
lawyers have full access to anything of John’s (files, etc.), but
specifically PROHIBITS Attorney Belanger – John’s choice – from having
any view of anything. Message to Attorney Belanger: ANYTHING JOHN HAS
and we will share anything with you that he has, is, or will share with
us in the future. Stay tuned. We’ll have more to post.
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