Friday, March 13, 2020

DIRTY MONEY : Guardians, Inc.

ZigSaw Productions has been working many months on a documentary episode about guardianship abuse which began airing a couple of days ago on Netflix on a documentary show called, "Dirty Money."

Guardianship abuse can be a very complex subject and also hard for people who aren't familiar with it to understand. ZigSaw Productions did a masterful job of condensing a lot of easy to understand information into a one hour show. We are so grateful to them for all of the awareness already being raised (thanks to them) across our nation of the abuse, neglect and exploitation our Seniors and persons with disability can suffer at the hands of their court-appointed "protectors."

If you are a subscriber to Netflix, you can click the link below to watch "Dirty Money: Guardians, Inc."

If you aren't a subscriber, you can go directly to to subscribe (and pay the subscription fee) and then click the link below to see the episode.


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