Monday, January 15, 2024

The Passing of Guardianship Reform Advocate Annie McKenna

NASGA mourns the passing of a dear friend and long-time advocate: Annie McKenna.

Annie has been a loyal and dedicated member of NASGA practically since its inception. She was also our very first “Media Liaison” - a volunteer job she took seriously. She was an avid videographer and made many videos of NY victims, giving them a voice and hope that their voice would be heard. Indeed their voices were heard and Annie worked with a prominent reporter back then who did several reports on NY and CT cases.

Annie had a gift for boiling down a complicated case to get to the core which would interest media. She was professional, always positive in her approach and very thorough; her words were measured and concise.

Annie was a real treat to know. She was witty beyond belief and she was inquisitive and interested in just about everything. She was talented and creative and she cared about people trapped in unlawful or abusive guardianships with her whole heart and soul.

We will miss her, her level head and quick wit - and her laugh. Annie McKenna helped NASGA grow; she made us better; and her influence will always be with us.

Godspeed Annie.


Rachel said...

I remember Annie and I will miss her too.

Anonymous said...

I am truly sorry for this big loss, she left a grat legacy, may God bring her peace.

George Lyons said...

Praying for her and her family, and NASGA.

Anonymous said...

My condolences NASGA. Annie sounds like she was remarkable and as an asset to NASGA.

Carolyn Anderson said...

RIP Annie McKenna

Valerie Berk said...

She left a wonderful legacy. We all wish we would be remembered for such accomplishments.

StandUp said...

Sorry NASGA. Another advocate gone. It's so sad.

Connie Stretcher said...

Many advocates have died over the years and I am always sad to hear of another loss. RIP, Annie.

George Lyons said...

I am sorry to hear about Annie McKenna's death. She will be missed.