Saturday, August 10, 2024

ProP­ublica reporter in­ves­ti­gates NYC guardianship system

ProPublica reporter Jake Pearson joined “The Rush Hour” to discuss the investigation. (Spectrum News NY1)

By Rocco Vertuccio

ProPublica reporter Jake Pearson has been investigating the city’s broken guardianship system, spotlighting how weak oversight has allowed legal guardians to abuse, neglect, and defraud the people they’re supposed to take care of.

Pearson’s latest investigation examines how judges allowed one of New York’s guardians to transfer over $1.5 million of her ward’s money to her own business — profiting from the people she’s supposed to care for.

Jake Pearson joined “The Rush Hour” on Thursday to discuss the investigation. 

Full Article & Source:
ProP­ublica reporter in­ves­ti­gates NYC guardianship system

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It’s not just NYC, it’s upstate NY, it’s Long Island, it’s the entire state. These judges , guardians, court evaluators, attorneys, all know each other. Many guardians serve in multiple jurisdictions in NYS.
Backroom deals in judges chambers are commonplace. Their web is far reaching.

O/T, I would love for NASGA to do an article on elder law attorneys and the insidious practice they have adopted in very recent years, going into assisted living facilities, and also advertising heavily for “ information sessions “ about wills and trusts hosted in library’s and even diners ! In my mind it reminds me of ambulance chasers , only worse. Those same attorneys often serve as guardians and other appointments in the guardianship part. It’s a win-win for them.