Friday, March 14, 2025

Betrayed by Ho$pice and Healthcare: Stories from the Deathbed

by Marsha Joiner

Imagine your Mom is fixing her hair and putting on lipstick on Sunday and two days later, she is in a drug induced coma. Hospice says it is the dying process, but she wasn't dying when the toxic drugs were started with no knowledge or consent. You are denied taking her to a hospital for help and she dies.

Or what if your Dad spilt coffee on himself and is taken to hospice respite facility for a shower and is dead in two days?

Or your husband goes to the hospital for dehydration and is given a diuretic and dies from dehydration and a drug overdose, arriving home in a coma with a bloody mouth, and his gold tooth was ripped out?

These are just a tip of the iceberg of the true stories in this book. We will all die one day but it should be when it is your time and not when someone else decides your life is of no value. Everyone should have the right to write their last chapter.

This book is an eye opener exposing the truth of hospice and sheds light that healthcare philosophy changed from meeting patient's needs to meeting society's needs. What you read in this book may save your life. It is a must read before family members blindly trust what the medical and hospice industry say. They are a multibillion-dollar industry and it's all about money. The government saves money, the medical facilities and staff make money, and your loved one pays the highest price with their life.

This book will answer questions you never thought to ask. For example, did you know a drug overdose has the same symptoms of someone dying, because now they are dying? You will see the dark reality of what happens behind closed doors of an organization that is to 'do no harm' and is supposed to provide compassionate care. There is a wealth of information and research put in one place for you to see the real dangers. Is it worth the risk not to find out before it's too late? I wish I had known what I know now and saved my own Mother. Knowledge is power.

Betrayed by Ho$pice and Healthcare: Stories from the Deathbed

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