Friday, June 26, 2009

Elder Abuse Task Force

District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman created the Elder Abuse Unit in 2008, just months after taking office, to address a rise in reported crimes against the elderly, which include physical and sexual assaults, neglect, theft and other financial exploitation.

In the past, deaths at nursing homes or assisted living centers may have escaped scrutiny given the advanced age and medical condition of many residents. But the DA believes better trained police and caregivers will help detect more wrongdoing in the future.

Ferman: "Now that we have the Elder Abuse Unit, we’re looking in a much more comprehensive way at these kinds of deaths."

The DA’s unit supervises an Elder Abuse Task Force, a multi-disciplinary committee made up of law enforcement agencies and the county’s Aging and Adult Services. The task force reviews individual cases to determine whether a crime has occurred.

The group also works with geriatric and forensic specialists, the Montgomery County Bar Association, victim advocacy groups and others.

Full Article and Source:
District Attorney’s Office seeks to protect seniors


Anonymous said...

This sounds like a good thing for PA,but what do they do about abusive guardianships?

helensniece said...

Most officials and ordinary folks have the perception that the guardianship system is working, just fine.

Unfortunately, perception is everything, it is a false sense of security, a smokescreen to hide the truth.

Those who have valid complaints, proof of abuse, are perceived as not worthy of being heard, labeled as hostile, giving those in authority an exit door, a lame excuse to dismiss and disregard our pleas for help, our warnings about the gangsters in probate court.

AntiShyster said...

Why won't law enforcement investigate complaints against lawyers?

Because THEY'RE lawyers!

Anonymous said...

This is probably another way to headhunt for victims or to cover up the wrongdoing in the system.