Sheila Gast's current residence should read: PRISON
There are more Sheila Gast's out there, thankfully, this former guardian with a criminal mind is out of business.
My applause to the state of MN for acknowledging, addressing and taking appropriate actions to begin to change / improve the guardianship system which by design is working in the best interest of the guardians et al to where it should be: the best interest of the wards with accountability and harsh consequences and punishment for all persons in positions of trust who use their positions for personal gain.
Sheila Gast was given a "gift" from the court. Very bad example of how weak and ineffective the consequences are for those who have committed criminal activities, espcially for those who are entrusted by the courts to serve with honor and dignity and TRUTH. Thank you Fox 9 and thank you NASGA for your tireless efforts and dedication to expose the dangerous people who are on the loose in society. Without media exposure, all of this would not have come to light, cases like this would continue to be hidden from us and Sheila Gast and others like her would still be able to take advantage of others dependent on them all the while while lying and stealing under color of law.
Sheila Gast not only lied when she said she was a nurse, she lied when she represented herself as a person who would care for the elderly and vulnerable.
She is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Well, not now -- she's just a wolf now. She can no longer hide what/who she really is.
Who knows, Sheila Gast may yet have to face charges and serve time in prison. It is encouraging that something was done, and she won't be able to persecute anyone else.
Sheila Gast is a true form of human garbage. She intentionally plotted to and successfully stole or lost 100's of thousands of dollars as well as posessions from many hundreds of clients that TRUSTED her, and out of desperation looked to her for the help that she solicited from them, those that couldn't represent or protect themselves. She ONLY targeted the completely helpless. Short of homicide, she's among the worst form of predation that we all abhor. She stole absolutely everything my brother ever posessed and saved during his entire life, although she did let him keep the shirt on his back. Why is it so difficult to put such a remorseless animal behind bars? She'll simply move to another state and . . . business as usual!
Sheila Gast got off service and a small fine, and she can't be a conservator anymore.
Did she have to repay her victims?
Her consequences pretty much were just a slight interruption in her day.
Sheila Gast's current residence should read: PRISON
There are more Sheila Gast's out there, thankfully, this former guardian with a criminal mind is out of business.
My applause to the state of MN for acknowledging, addressing and taking appropriate actions to begin to change / improve the guardianship system which by design is working in the best interest of the guardians et al to where it should be: the best interest of the wards with accountability and harsh consequences and punishment for all persons in positions of trust who use their positions for personal gain.
Applause also to Fox 9 for keeping a bright light on Sheila Gast for as long as it took.
Sheila Gast was given a "gift" from the court. Very bad example of how weak and ineffective the consequences are for those who have committed criminal activities, espcially for those who are entrusted by the courts to serve with honor and dignity and TRUTH. Thank you Fox 9 and thank you NASGA for your tireless efforts and dedication to expose the dangerous people who are on the loose in society. Without media exposure, all of this would not have come to light, cases like this would continue to be hidden from us and Sheila Gast and others like her would still be able to take advantage of others dependent on them all the while while lying and stealing under color of law.
Sheila Gast getting convicted of anything is another testiment to the power of publicity.
Justice isn't found in courtrooms anymore (most of them) - it's found in the media.
Sheila Gast is nothing more than a predator on the weak and elderly.
Sheila Gast is a criminal and shouldn't be on the streets.
Preying on the elderly and disabled is a crime.
Sheila Gast not only lied when she said she was a nurse, she lied when she represented herself as a person who would care for the elderly and vulnerable.
She is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Well, not now -- she's just a wolf now. She can no longer hide what/who she really is.
Who knows, Sheila Gast may yet have to face charges and serve time in prison. It is encouraging that something was done, and she won't be able to persecute anyone else.
Sheila Gast is a true form of human garbage. She intentionally plotted to and successfully stole or lost 100's of thousands of dollars as well as posessions from many hundreds of clients that TRUSTED her, and out of desperation looked to her for the help that she solicited from them, those that couldn't represent or protect themselves. She ONLY targeted the completely helpless. Short of homicide, she's among the worst form of predation that we all abhor. She stole absolutely everything my brother ever posessed and saved during his entire life, although she did let him keep the shirt on his back.
Why is it so difficult to put such a remorseless animal behind bars? She'll simply move to another state and . . . business as usual!
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