Friday, December 18, 2009

Family of Terri Schiavo Support Sara Harvey

Family of Terri Schiavo Join Custody Fight

See Also:
Schiavo Family Supports Sara Harvey


Anonymous said...

Thank you Schiavo family! Bobby, you standing by Sara Harvey says it all.

Betty said...

Oh how slick Maggs is trying to cast a dark shadow on Sara Harvey. He's also as transparent as glass.

The county tried to KILL Gary Harvey this year. Sara Harvey saved his life.

No matter how much you try to deflect the attention from the County's neglect, Mr. Maggs, you are unsuccessful. Everybody knows!

Anonymous said...

Don't let Gary Harvey suffer the horrible death Terri Schiavo suffered because of the system!

Max said...

Yes, this case is way too similar to the Schiavo case. Thank you Mary and Bobby for your support of Gary Harvey's right to go home with his wife.

John said...

If anyone acted inappropriately, it was the County when it tried to kill Gary Harvey! How appropriate is that?!

Barbara said...

Sara Harvey's love and compassion for her husband come through loud and clear.

Come on, court, get it together. Let Gary Harvey go home with this wife for whatever time he has left.

Anonymous said...

Abuse charges should be filed against Chemung County in my opinion.

Nancy said...

Sara, we support and applaud your efforts. Knowing you got the support of Bobby and Mary Schindler warms my heart. You'll get your husband home yet!

Jack said...

Maggs is one of those lawyers who make the entire profession look sleazy.

Shame on him. I wonder what his mother thinks of what he's doing here.

Anonymous said...

Sara's love for her husband is evident, whereas the county treats him as a non-human.

Cam said...

The County should hang their collective heads in shame. Have they no empathy? How can they treat Mrs. Harvey this way? They should be supporting her, not trying to tear her down. I am disgusted with the whole bunch of them. And why does the hospital put up with the abuse of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey?

Sue said...

I applaud the Schindler family for their efforts to come to Sara's side. Sara is in a very lonely place, she is a wife without her partner, a wife without her husband due to circumstances if that isn't hard enough she is a wife who being forced to stay way from her husband who is under the control of others who are not acting in the best interest of Gary, the ward.

I hope and pray Sara can have the most precious gift, the gift of time for her to be with her husband without intrusion or supervision that is my wish for the Harvey's.