Sara Harvey says her husband Gary became incapacitated in 2006 after a fall down the stairs.
The County attorney says the county was appointed Gary’s guardian after some unusual and dangerous circumstances happened between Gary and Sara.
Since then, the county agreed that his wife could continue with supervised visitation, which has been paid for out of Gary’s assets.
Now that money has run out.
Friends and supporters protested today in front of St. Joseph's Hospital, where Gary is being cared for.
Sara wants her visitation rights back.
Harvey says, "I must have really upset somebody. I’ve advocated for my husband and that's all I’ve been doing. I’ve been writing to the V.A., I’ve been writing to D.C. I’ve been writing all over the place. I’ve been advocating for my husband that's all I’ve been doing."
Full Article and Source:
Horseheads Woman Protests For Visitation
See Also:
Gary Harvey Custody Battle Rages On
Sara Harvey is a brave woman. She is also the only reason Gary Harvey is alive.
If Gary Harvey's court-appointed "protectors" had their way, Gary Harvey would be wearing a tombstone now.
Sara Harvey saved him. And for that, she is punished.
Stay strong, Mrs. Harvey!
Are we talking about a new trend -- (Guardian) County forced divorce?
Is there no low they won't go?
The county continues to hide their inappropriate actions behind HIPAA laws, and yet manages to slander Sara Harvey with unfounded allegations.
This guardianship is a sham. Where's the judge in this?
The wedding service states that the union of man and woman in Holy Matrimony is sacred, and that no man has the right to put the union asunder.
These bastards (and I use that word not as a swear word, but as a proper description of what they are, because only the devils spawn would act in this dispicably wicked and cruel way) are taking on Almighty God when they do this.
Get your vicar involved. Go to the Church and point out that you are being persecuted and make sure that you quote Matthew 19:6, Jesus's very words on this matter.
If your vicar will not do anything, go to his Bishop and complain. If the Bishop refuses to listen, go to the Archbishop, and if he also refuses to intervene, then tell him that you are going to ask God to help you. God WILL help you, there are no ifs and buts about that.
The Church ought to be raising Cain already over this, it is just plain wicked.
Never give up.
Go Sara!
Stand by your husband, these power hungry people are sadistical; they have disregarded your marriage vows your marriage contract with your husband.
Where is the judge?
Obviously he is not ruling in favor of Sara Harvey.
How many lawyers and how much money does it take to get the complainant from square ONE?
Could the judge be in bed with the county goons?
Follow election campaign $$$$ into judicial warchests.
Why and Who do you think the big money contributors to judicial elections?
You? Me?
When was the last time YOU contributed money for judicial elections?
So, folks when you enter a courthouse worse yet a courtroom you better look around cause you will see who and why big money goes into judge's warchests.
How nuts is this? The guardian attempts to terminate Mr. Harvey's life and didn't get that deed done. Now, the guardian has the audacity to say that they are "protecting" Mr. Harvey?
Do they even believe this crap?
Good point, Zoompad, the church should be involved and help Sara Harvey's efforts to save her husband's life.
Gary Harvey is held prisoner in a Catholic Hospital. The hospital should be supporting the sanctacy of life and marriage instead of aiding the County in their effort to kill Gary Harvey and make Sara Harvey a widow.
Does anybody think that Gary Harvey would want his money spent to guard him against his wife, for crying out loud?!
If Chemung County has been using his funds in this manner, that's wrong, wrong, wrong!
Judge -- are you there judge?
Holy moly, Gary Harvey is in the hospital all this time? With swine flu rampant?
This makes no sense. What's wrong with these bureaucrats?
Sara, you did great. Stay strong and keep the heat on. They shouldn't be able to get away with this.
Bingo Betty,
AND the hospital is going right along with it. It is called aide and embediing. Wonder how Catholic this hospital really is? You think they are getting paid off? excepting personal gifts?
Now wonder they are worried about the insurance sonmeone has to line their pockets back up.
Same thing happened to a co-worker's son who was handicapp you noticed I stated WAS from the same APS cult in chemung, but they were successful with this legally handicapp child. Just happened a few weeks ago.
They (doctor and APS signed off) talked him into having surgery and guess what he died. His parents did not know, the care givers were trying to talk him out of it and guess our good pals in the county cult club that succeeded because he was a cost to the state.
It's outrageous. Isolating someone from their family is nothing less than torture. Do these people have an ounce of empathy for Gary Harvey? Surely not.
They are sub-humans.
These people look in the mirror and they love what they see, they believe they know better, we are stupid, we cannot make decisions, these power mongers need to make decisions.....for us. Without that, they would be out of a JOB!
I am so steamed over this case, I am spitting daggers. If Gary were my husband, I would be very tempted to drive my tank right through the front doors of the hospital and face the consequences but in the end I would feel I let them know I totally disagree with what they are doing and it just might give them something to think about.
Is there something we don't know here? Is Gary Harvey a former serial killer? Or a terrorist?
And if not, why is he being treated like a criminal?
What goes around, comes around Chemung County. Some day you may find yourselves in Gary Harvey's same circumstances but without a Sara Harvey to devote her every breath to trying to free you and bring you home.
Shame on all of you.
Exerting power is at play here. Egos getting a kick out of knocking Harvey's wife around. They probably have quite a laugh at her expense.
Some people are so empty, they don't even realize it. Instead, they throw their power around and think that fills them up.
Well, they're full of it, all right.
I wish Gary Harvey could have seen this protest from his window.
There is more going on here than what Chemung County thinks is best
for Gary Harvey.
They really don't give a damn about what he wants or what is best for him.
No, this is a power struggle and the county will not let this go.
Gary Harvey is a Veteran who was willing to give time, willing to sacrifice his life for his country, this is his thank you, government taking over his life for years, disregarding his wife and their marriage vows without enjoying normal visitations with his wife.
We are a sick society for allowing this cruel treatment to continue.
God Bless you Sara
Sara, please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Although I am not a wife, the guardian and her attorney have done the same thing to me with my companion of eleven years. . . only supervised visits, each one costing my companion's estate about $150.
How low do these people sink?
I so agree with Zoompad. The church has even failed us.
One day justice will prevail. We will be the conquerors. Please hang in there, Sara. Fight the good fight for all of us!
lawyers are the sick and twisted ones manipulating every word in the english language for their self serving pusposes to make more money what was that great saying by shakespeare?
I agree with Zoompad, she needs to go to her church BUT this is "St. Joseph's Hospital" - a Catholic hospital so there are pastoral services, aren't there? There must be a Priest on the premises daily? Well, why aren't they helping this woman see her husband?!
It is my understanding that when you go to a Catholic hospital, couseling by a Priest is provided to both the patient and their loved ones. I think Sara Harvey needs divine intervention. Where's the Priest?!
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